Chapter 3 - The Mission

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What did Zavala mean? Either way, there was no time to question him, we had a mission to do. Before we got on the ship, Leon came out and said, "Let's see if you can fly any better than I can."

I scoffed, "Against you, Leon, I could beat you a thousand times and you still would learn anything."

"Ha, you're funny," Leon said, letting it be known that he was trying to be sarcastic.

"Thanks," I said, walking past Leon. I stopped right next to him, looking up at him," I try to be." I walked off, leaving Legacy at the doorway. I looked over towards the control panel, to see Spade standing in the doorway, leaning against the wall. He looked at me," You ready?" he asked with a slight smirk on his face.

I sighed, "I guess. I mean I've only been cooped up in the City these past eight years."

"English please." Spade somewhat demanded.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "What I mean is..." I paused, trying to find the right words for the excitement I felt, "hell yeah."

I walked over to the control seat taking my place. I looked behind me and saw Leon, still standing there slack-jawed. "You ready over there?" I called back to him. After a couple of seconds, Leon turned around and took his seat on the ship. I looked back forward, "You ready Spade?" I asked.

I heard his voice beckon from behind me, "Yes ma'am!" he exclaimed. I had to scoff at this, after all this was probably the least annoying of nicknames I have had. I kicked the ship's engines into gear. It began to rise up into the air, and I gave a slight smile. It was one thing to fly in a training course, it was another to actually fly one. The moment we got to the right height to take off I pushed forward.

Taking off filled me with a satisfaction that I had never felt before. But my ghost thought differently. Dawn spent the whole ride screaming, as she wanted it to end soon.

As we neared our target location, I let everyone know, "Ladies and gentlemen, we have officially reached our destination."

"Who are you calling ladies?" Leon questioned, confused.

"You and Dawn, who else?" I answered him, never taking my eyes away from what was happening in front of me. It took me a while, but I realized that something was moving off in the distance. Then I figured out what that something was what could block me and my fireteam from our goal. Without saying a word I frantically went to the nearby panel nearby while telling my ghost, "Dawn, check the security systems."

Dawn looked at me, "I don't understand, Eve. May I as-"

"Dawn, just check the security systems," I commanded her, not even letting Dawn finish her sentence.

"What's going on?" Spade tried to inquire from me.

"You two should probably sit down, this is going to be a bumpy ride."

Leon decided that he wanted a say, and wasted it by yelling, "EVE..."

Thankfully Dawn found the information I needed to confirm what I had already known."Eve..." Dawn began to say, her robotic voice filled with worry, "I've searched all documents and security cameras and, unfortunately, they have begun lockdown."

"Did Dawn just say 'lockdown'?" Leon asked stupidly.

"Yes," I answered, trying to focus on what I was doing.

Leon threw his hands in the air, "Oh, juuust great. The first mission you do, you mess up. This makes me think that I was right the whole time. You are a screw-up, a major screw up. What will you do next, I wonder. Maybe kill us all!" Leon shouted.

Children of Cayde-6 (Eve's POV)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora