Hermione's Potion

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"Draco?" Catherine muttered as she was stirring in her sleep, her voice tainted with weariness and exhaustion. Draco sank back in his chair, realizing it was just his imagination of hearing her voice. He had been allowed by Dumbledore to visit her during breaks and free periods. Catherine had been unconscious for two days.

"Still remember that prank you did on Zabini? Those were good times. And that time in the Common room – I know you don't want to talk about it, but you're unconscious now so I can do whatever I want." Draco said jokingly, he paused for a while hearing his own words and how inappropriate it sounded, "I didn't mean it like that of course, you know I wouldn't." He added. 19

Draco had placed a small pile of parchment and books next to her, reminding the unconscious Catherine of the homework she had missed. The bell rang and he left for dinner.


Catherine looked around the Hospital wing which was useless since she wasn't wearing her glasses, "Accio glasses." She said waving her wand which was conveniently already in her hand, and catching the glasses with her free hand. 25

She looked around her bed and saw a table toppled with Get well cards, her homework, flowers, and a dragon plush. Catherine gave a half smile at the things, settled on the table, and started on her homework. She looked up upon hearing footsteps, "Merlin's beard! You're awake!" Madam Pomfrey rushed to her side at once, "Are you alright? No headaches or such?" She asked looking in to her eyes and feeling her forehead. 6

"None yet, when can I go Madam Pomfrey?" Catherine asked closing her Charms book.

"Well, let's see in a few hours." She said disappearing in her office. After a fair few hours, Catherine had already finished her work and began admiring the flowers on the table. She tried to stand up and smell them, but she suddenly felt light headed and rested again.

"Thought you'd be doing your homework first Catherine." A voice said interrupting her thoughts. "Already done, Draco," She said smirking in sheer cockiness. "Do you like the flowers?" He asked.

Catherine averted her attention back to the gorgeous bouquet on her table, "They're my favorite. Dragon Lilies, how did you know?" She asked looking at him. "Who says I gave them?" Draco said smirking. "Draco, do you know what Veritaserum is?" Catherine asked. 7

"No, why'd you ask?" he asked. "It's sort of a truth potion, even with a little drop it can make the darkest of all dark wizards spill their deepest secret." she said eyeing Draco. He gulped and shuddered at the thought of being totally out of control under the hold of a truth potion, "Fine, I sent the flowers." Draco said giving up. Catherine smiled and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "I should tell the truth more often." He said sounding very pleased with himself. 9

Catherine rolled her eyes and grabbed the Dragon plush, "Who?" She asked waving around the plush. "It's from your brother, I think." Draco said. Catherine admired the plush; it was a Hungarian Horntail to say the least. It was obviously hand made by three 11 year olds judging by the wonky stitching and the mismatched button eyes. It was her favorite kind of magical creature; she was puzzled on Harry knowing what creature she liked. 16

"Where is Harry?" Catherine asked. "Last time I saw him was at Dinner, rather busy with Weasel & that Granger girl." He said. She asked Madam Pomfrey once more if she was well enough to leave the Hospital wing, the healer examined her for the last time that day and permitted Catherine to exit the premises.
Catherine smiled and thanked her as she prepared her stuff to leave. Draco helped carry her homework and textbooks while they walked back to the Slytherin common room, but before she could step back inside Catherine told him he that she had to talk to her brother, "I'll be back in awhile."He looked at her with utmost concern; she had been on bed rest for two days. Draco didn't approve of her roaming the halls alone, but he gave in when he saw the pleading look on her face. "I'll be here." Draco said taking the Dragon toy and the flowers he had given to her.
Catherine quickened her pace as she walked up to the 7th floor, eager to see Harry. As she was nearing the corridor leading to the portrait of the Fat Lady, Catherine felt like someone was watching her from behind. She felt the back of her neck tingle with electricity, she was sure of someone hiding from behind. Catherine took a few short steps to be in arm's reach from behind the stone columns and sure enough, she caught grasp of an invisibility cloak.

Underneath the cloak revealed a surprised Harry scared out of his wits. Catherine laughed and shrouded herself and her brother with the invisibility cloak, "I do hope you don't mind me joining you." She said, leading them down the corridor, "Where are you going?" 7

"Are you feeling better?" Harry asked. Catherine was taken aback at how sincere his voice had sounded like when he asked her of her health, "I am well, thanks for asking." The pair walked in silence, tip toeing on the stone floor heading to the library. "Who's Nicholas Flamel?" Catherine asked in a whisper. "Quit reading my mind, Em." Harry said in a stony voice, "I don't know who he is. That's why I sneaked here in the first place." 14

Catherine sighed, pushing through the heavy wooden doors of the library, "I can't always help it, you know? It just happens sometimes whether I want it to or not." Her brother took note of this and remembered not to be so harsh on her, seeing that she couldn't fully control her abilities. 4

Harry pulled out a chained book from the shelves and examined its spine searching for a title. Curios, he flipped it open only to be greeted with a voice of a man screaming bloody murder. Catherine jumped backwards, upsetting the oil lamp. The sound of an old man's footsteps started to grow from behind them, "Let's go!" She mouthed to him, dragging him away from the book and out to the hallway.

He didn't know where his sister was taking them; all he knew was that it was better than staying in the library and getting caught by Filch. Catherine took him to the room she had once visited with Draco, the room where the Mirror of Erised resided. She took out the key she had received from before and unlocked the door. The twins went inside; she led him to stand in front of the mirror and waited.

Harry wanted to leave before anyone else could find them, but something made him want to stay. Two smoky figures appeared in the mirror, two young adults who vaguely looked like Catherine and himself. He realized that this is what his sister wanted to show him, "I see them now." Harry said. Catherine turned her head to him and eyed him curiously, "You do?"

"Yeah," He said in an almost quiet voice, "I can see them."

They sat there in front of the mirror, her head resting on her brother's shoulder as they watched their parents in the mirror. A few minutes passed, Catherine had urged him to go back to Gryffindor tower. She went her way alone to hers, her figure dissolving amongst the shadows.


"You're still up?" Catherine asked, unbelieving that Draco waited for her in the common room. "Well, you did say wait for me at the Common room so here I am." Draco said jokingly. 2

She felt a smile slowly grow on her face, "I guess I did say that." Catherine said as she sat next to him on the carpeted floor in front of the fireplace. She took one poker from the fire place and with a swish of her wand; she had cut it in half and transfigured the two halves into silver rings. Draco watched her as she held the two rings near her lips; he realized she was making an incantation or a sort of charm.
When she gave him one to the rings, he saw that a small emerald stone was set upon the silver band. "What this?" Draco asked as he examined the ring. Catherine wore the ring on her right hand, admiring it, "I've charmed these rings so that we can talk without actually seeing each other, and it's quite similar to what Muggles call walkie-talkies."

Catherine Potter ~Book 1~ Sorcerer's StoneWhere stories live. Discover now