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"You left me with Pansy! What in the name of Merlin did I do to deserve something as horrid as that? Do you know how atrocious it was to listen to her yap on and on about her bloody family as if I care about her bloody blood line." Draco said rather furiously, begrudgingly taking the seat next to Catherine. "Wow. I knew she was a bore – but that's just borderline torture." She said in the most laidback manner she could to further frustrate her fellow housemate. 16
Draco shot her a glare, snarling at Catherine, "Just so you know I'm going to get back at you," He said smugly. "Thanks for the warning." She said in a sarcastic tone as she tossing a raisin at his nose. "Hey! You're wasting it!" Goyle said angrily, rising from his seat to catch the falling raisin – he then promptly popped it in his mouth. 16

"Good Merlin..." Catherine muttered under her breath, gathering her books. "You'll get used to it." Draco said reassuringly in a whisper.

"I'm going to class now." she said gathering her things.

"Why?" Crabbe asked. "Because I want to, that's why." She said crossly. Catherine set off to her way alone out of the Great Hall and headed first to her classes.

"Good m...orning.....stu-dents, b-ooks to page.. 2..45." Professor Quirrell said, his stutter seeming to grow more and more inaudible by every meeting. 12

A girl from Hufflepuff named Hannah Abbot shyly tapped her shoulder and looked at her with great caution spoke to her, "Hi, I don't mean to interrupt but you don't seem well, are you feeling ill?"

Catherine nodded, forcing a smile, "I-I'm grand, just a bit of a headache is all." She said, trying not to attract any attention. She would be lying that she wasn't currently experiencing a head splitting, burning sort of head ache that was somehow, weirdly, connected to her neck.

She started hearing voices, strange hissing voices like a snake mixed together with a hoarse voice of a man. The voices seemed to call out to Catherine; it seemed to have paralyzed her stiff on her seat. Hannah gave out a high pitched shriek when she saw the young Slytherin's body hit the stone floor. 2

Her fellow housemates rushed towards her and struggled to wake her up, Professor Quirrell panicked at the sight of his student fainting and proceeded to yell down the corridor for help. It wasn't long till two seventh year Slytherins levitated a stretcher and brought her to the Hospital wing for Madam Pomfrey to examine. 9

"Catherine, we got the information you told us about." Hermione said. "Brilliant, you know who it is then?" Catherine asked, furrowing her brow; secretly hoping in the deepest realm in her heart that they wouldn't speak of her hospitalization a few hours ago.

"It's Snape, Harry saw him in the Forbidden Forest." Ron said. 2

"It's not Snape!" Catherine said. "Then who?" the trio asked together. Catherine looked over her shoulder, afraid of anyone else hearing her answer, "It's Quirrell!" she whispered. "How can it be him?" Harry asked.

"He's the one who got me in the Hospital wing earlier! I read his mind, I heard Voldemort in his mind!" she explained, rubbing the side of her neck a small wince of pain emitting down her spine as she did.

"I think that potion I gave you did this." Hermione said. "Oh, really? I thought it was my bloody hair that gave me all those migraines!" Catherine said sarcastically, "I rather have my old hair back." She muttered.

"Catherine, calm do-"

She shook off Ron's hand and abruptly "Don't tell me what to do! I heard what I heard Hermione, I don't care if you believe me or not. I'm saying this now, don't jump into any conclusions that Snape is behind this because he's not!" Catherine said eyeing Hermione

Catherine Potter ~Book 1~ Sorcerer's StoneDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora