Fanfiction (Misconceptions)

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Alright, let's be honest here, unless you made a friend through the many fanfiction websites, or you went into it with them or they found out and either they read them with you or they just smile painfully as you try to explain one story because you want to rant about a part of it, none of our friends actually know about fanfiction or your common obsession with thousands, if not millions, of people in the world. And this is most likely because of the many, many misconceptions about it. Like how all fanfiction is just written porn, etc.

So I'm going to say this clearly. Porn. Is. Not. All. Fanfiction. Yeah, there are those stories that is just Porn, or Porn Without Plot, etc. But, honestly, are you going to actually tell me that the many books of the world isn't basically porn *cough* Fifty Shades of Grey (even though I haven't read it, but that's what I'm told) *cough*, you can't tell me that Facebook, or Snapchat, or Instagram, or Pinterest, or any other social media, doesn't have those few accounts that are just porn. It's just not possible. So, if fanfiction isn't porn, what exactly is it?

Well, to me anyway, fanfiction is about the many 'What If's?' Of a story. What if Dumbledore was the bad guy? What if Voldemort was the good guy? What if there was another character with this specific personality added into the story? What if John Watson was Joanne Watson? What if Percy Jackson was gay? What if Bella was actually secretly a different king of vampire? What if Bella was more outgoing, loud, etc? Because the fact of the matter is, Dumbledore was ALREADY the good guy. John Watson was ALREADY a male. Percy Jackson was ALREADY straight. Bella Swan was ALREADY human. We love our stories, alright? We love them, but sometimes there's that specific part that we want to change *cough* Tris's death in the Divergent series, Gweneth Shepard just taking the criticism and comparison to her cousin, Harry's marriage to Ginny that came from one kiss like a year before when we weren't really aware he even liked her before he started getting jealous, Bella saying she doesn't want a kid, gets pregnant anyway, and becomes the perfect mom, Need I go on? *cough* To sum it up, Fanfiction is the many 'what could've happened's of our favorite stories. And Bennedict Cumberbatch is an asshole for maybe reading 3 or 4 stories and labeling it all porn, I read a perfectly good story about Asexual Sherlock and Straight John getting married. Hmph.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2018 ⏰

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