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  Mirror, Mirror can you tell,
Who's the Mermaid named Ariel?
What is the mermaid tale?
How did Ariel lost her tail?

A few scenes had been flashed.
A blue sea that is vast.
Mermans are busy having their fun.
For suddenly Ariel came and the happiness's gone.

The story began when Ariel saw the man,
A human who's a Prince of a land.
She fell in love and feel so sick.
She want to be like him, she want a feet.

For then she looked for the wicked witch,
And asked for a help, asked for a feet.
It stated in the movie that she wants her voice,
But no, there is another choice.

"Ariel, Ariel, You must do,
What I want and what I tell you.
If you want to have a feet,
You must know how to pick."

Ursula show Ariel the ball,
A ball with three holes.
The mermaid should pick the best hole of it,
For her to get the easy consequences of having a feet.

But the mermaid isn't quite good.
The choice she got is bad not good.
"For you to have your wish young lady,
You must kill your family."

Ariel had been shocked,
She swimmed fast and didn't look back.
Ursula felt the happiness,
'Cause sooner or later Ariel will be a total mess.

She cried and cried and cried and cried.
Ariel doesn't know how to survive.
She wants to meet the Prince,
How can she do that if she's a nymph?

While crying she fell asleep.
Ursula sneak on her door and give her a sweet,
A sweet peck of tiny little kisses.
Kisses that will disturb her senses.

When Ariel open her eyes,
It's full of lust to see someone die.
She lost her heart, she lost her control.
All she want is to kill them all.

Using her fangs she killed her Dad,
Next in line is her sister's by blood.
Horror filled Triton's castle,
Brought by her daughter named Ariel.

She slashed their heads, she get their hearts.
Everything's fall apart.
Glint of anger glint of lust
Is the only thing that last.

Ariel became the monster of the sea.
But after that night she became what she want to be.
When she found out about what she did,
She regretted of asking for a feet.

She felt great remorse that a person could ever feel.
Killing her own family is against her will.
But because of the greediness and the selfishness she had.
Her family died, the only family she have.

Ariel locked herself in a cave,
She doesn't want to show her face.
She live there without a life.
She live there and always cried.

The only thing that Ariel did,
She engraved the last word of grief.
"Be careful what you wish for,
Having no more is okay than losing your soul."  

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