"Please accept my apologies, Master." You shyly said with your head down. "I was mistaken."

He gave you an amused look before he nodded.

"I accept your apology. Now, let us head home. I am quite famished."

You went to dismount from the chariot, since you always walked to the side of him as he rode. However, you suddenly felt his calloused, partially gloved hand upon your shoulder.

"There may be more around than just that one." He said as he placed his helmet on. "Come stand in front of me."

With reluctance, you went and stood in front him and waited for the Viking to take the reins. However, he did not. For what seemed like an eternity, he did nothing but stand behind you, saying and doing nothing. As the wind picked up, you brushed some of your stray locks out of your face. Though your hair was tied in a bun, the activity of retrieving his arrows all afternoon had caused it to loosen slightly.

"Master, is something wrong?"


His one word response made the awkwardness of the moment even worse. Suddenly, you felt his arms move around your waist, with his hands finally gripping your hips. You promptly looked over your shoulder and gave him a confused expression.


"I find your shape very captivating. It is unlike the women in my kingdom."He said with a serious expression.

His blue eyes peered into yours seductively, making your ears and neck burn like fire. You quickly looked straight ahead and tried to move his hands.

"Please, it is improper for you to touch me in such a way." You stammered. "If anyone sees us, they will brand me a loose woman. Irrespective of me not having the ability to refuse you......I will be shunned once you and your people depart."

"All that for simply having a man caress your hips?" The Viking asked with a chuckle. "You Christians truly take the fun out of life. So tell me Y/N, is this also inappropriate?"

He embraced you tightly. With his pelvis snug against your backside, he gave you an open-mouthed kiss upon your neck. Though you tried to protest, the words caught in your throat. His lips upon your flesh was a sensation you found yourself liking a great deal. Truth be told, you had shared innocent kisses with a local boy behind the church before. However, he had never given you erotic pecks upon your neckline as the Viking was doing.

"Please!" You finally managed to say. "I beg that you to refrain from doing any more."

"Y/N, you are quite entertaining." He said. "I have always wondered how a Christian girl would react to being touched. And it is just as I thought. You resist too much for no good reason. As you can see, no lightening has struck you from the sky."

You kept silent as he finally took hold of the reins and clicked his tongue - signaling the horse to move. At first, your mind was only on what the Viking had done, but the thrill of the ride soon made you forget everything. Never had you felt as free as you did upon the horse-drawn chariot. The speed in which he drove his steed, thrilled you. It was like flying while still being on the ground.


A few minutes into the ride, the two of you finally came upon the entrance to your town.

The smile promptly left your face as you were spotted by your fellow Christians. The adults and children going about their day stared at you and the Viking with thinly veiled hatred. As the horse trolled slowly through the township, the stares became worse.

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