Fact #400

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Hey everybody! I'm back with another fact (sorta...not really)!

Now, if you've been a long time reader of the Things You Didn't Know Series, you should know that every 100 facts, I do something special. Seeing that we are now on Fact #400, I have something very special for you people. And what's this special?


((I know. Disappointing. I couldn't come up with anything better for Fact #400))

Anyways, here we go: 


Why didn't Elsa and Anna's parents teach them the whole alphabet? 

'Cause they got lost at C!


What did Nala say to Simba during the stampede? 

Move fasta! (Mufasa)



Why does Alice ask so many questions? 

Because she's in "Wonder"land!


What did Snow White say when her photos weren't ready yet? 

Someday my Prints will come! 


What does Olaf eat for lunch? 



And there are plenty of other Disney Jokes out there other than the ones I listed, but these are the ones I wanted to give you!

Thanks for reading, bye!

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