Chapter 2

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I didn’t speak throughout the trip. B1A4 were so noisy. I thought they would be tired after their concert.

And they were speaking Korean so fast! I can’t understand what they are saying. (>__<”)

“Are you okay?” someone beside me spoke. It was (your bias)! Kyaaa~!! (>////<)

“I—I’m fine…” I said with a slight laugh. “Ahahahaha” (>///<”)

(Your bias) smiled at me then sighed. “Hey, guys! Let’s speak in a way, uhh… What’s your name…?”

Right. Only Manager knows my name. I giggled. “(Y/n).”

“Alright, (y/n),” (your bias) said.

WAAAAAAAAA!!! ASDHASKJDASLKDJKASJDKLASJD The way (your bias) said my name was WAAAAAAHHHH!!! I need to get some air. Wheeeew. My body became stiffer than a while ago.

“Y—Yess…?” I asked softly.

“Guys, let’s speak in a way (y/n) could understand, alright?” (your bias) said.

WAAA!! He said my name again!! Hihihihihihihi.

The others said “Yeah!” in unison.

“It’s really too bad you haven’t watched us perform,” Jinyoung said with a slight frown.

I frowned as well. “Yeah… I really wanted to, honest!”

I raised my right hand up as if saying an oath.

“But because of… well… financial problems…” I smiled faintly. “I couldn’t afford to buy your ticket…”

“But isn’t it for good?” CNU suddenly said.

“What do you mean?” Sandeul asked. “What’s good about not able to go to our concert?”

CNU chuckled. “Well if (y/n) went to our concert, she’ll never be able to go out with us like this~”

My eyes sparkled the moment CNU said that. WAAAAAHHH. (QAQ)

“You’re right!” Sandeul said innocently.

I grinned. Sandeul is really cute when he acts like this. He really has an innocent feel!

“Hey, hey, (y/n)~” Gongchan said. “You play guitar, right? Are you better than Jinyoung?”

Baro had to hit Gongchan on his head.

“Ow! What was that for?!” he reacted.

Baro is bullying the maknae! XD Gongchan’s reaction was so cute!

I giggled. So this is B1A4 off stage and off cameras. (^3^) I’m gonna die in happiness.

“Well?” Jinyoung suddenly asked. “Are you better than me?”

He was smiling. Oh, praise God for making this wonderful creature. (QAQ)

“N—No—No…!” I shook my head. “O—Of course not!”

You should see Jinyoung right now. He was half laughing and half smirking!! ASDFGHJKL (*///*)

Then I knew I had to quit fantasizing because they are really here in front of me.

“You’re better, J—Jinyoung-oppa…!” I was stammering saying his name. Even saying a Korean honorific that I know is quite hard! “Y—You’re certainly better…”

“Why are you so nervous, (y/n)?” Baro asked.

You don’t know how much I want to pinch your cheeks, Baramji!!! (>///<)

“W—Well…” I started. “I’ve always wanted to meet you guys in person… But now that you’re here with me in person… I don’t seem to know what to do…”

(Your bias) chuckled. “Just relax, (y/n). Be yourself. You’re quite confident a while ago while you were getting our event standee~”


“E—Eh…” I said shyly. “That’s because I don’t know it was you…”

“Oh,” they said, almost in unison.

“But I’m amazed,” Jinyoung said.

Everyone seemed to wonder what Jinyoung was talking about so we waited for his next words.

“You said you could play some of our songs, right?” he looked at me. He looked straight into my eye!

“Y—Yes… Just some though…!” I grinned awkwardly.

“Yeah, you even said you learned by just listening,” Baro appended. “You must have good ears in music.”

“Not really…” I replied. (>///<)

“You know…” (your bias) suddenly said. “The moment you told Manager what you knew about us, we were surprised. All our fans knows that, too, but it was different in the way you said it. Then when you asked Manager if he wanted to hear how you play, I, personally, was eager to hear it, too. When you saw us, you didn’t mob us and you didn’t squeal. There’s something… different about you.”

We were all surprised hearing those words from him. Especially me. I am so surprised! And my heart accelerates the moment he said those words…

I think he noticed we’re looking at him like he was some kind of weirdo. “But I didn’t mean different in a negative way…! I meant it as… you’re different. You’re unique. You’re a one of a kind fan.”


They’re accepting me…!!! Kyaaaaa~!! And what’s more special is that (your bias) was the one who said that!!! Hihihihihi~

“T—Thank you…!” I bowed in gratitude.

“It looks like you’re getting along pretty well now, (y/n),” Manager suddenly said from the front seat.

“We are, Manager~” Jinyoung responded.

“Have you gotten to know her better?” Manager asked again.

“Not yet,” (your bias) answered. “But we will soon~”

Manager chuckled. “Yeah, soon. We’re here~”

Already? Is our trip really that fast? Well, this is a private car and it’s almost midnight when we left Araneta. The road is wide with light traffic in this hour.

Then we arrived at a grand hotel. A five-star hotel. We all went down the van and we proceeded inside.

This is going to be so epic!


A/N: Short update, I know. I’ll try to think of some more before the main event. ;) Hihihi.

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