Dugter Af Vanderne

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"See you Wednesday, Y/N. Drive safe." Jason, one of the on-shift security guards, yelled as you got into the elevator.

"Thanks Jay. Try not to overdo the donuts Sarah brought in."

"Sure mom."

He sipped his coffee while watching the doors close in front of you. You pressed the button for the 4th floor parking level, utterly relieved that you were headed home. Boy, were you ever tired. Both mentally and physically. Mount Sinai Hospital was a great but it was an unusual hospital to say the least. Mostly celebrities and the wealthy came through it's doors so there were days you found yourself ducking paparazzi. Despite liking the staff and the pay being generous, you missed working at the County hospital. It was the place where you had honed you skills as a resident RN and felt like you actually made a difference. Now, you felt as if you were going through a routine.

"There has to be more. I can't spend my life helping rich assholes come off drugs while lying to the press about it being "exhaustion. I need........to be challenged."

It was four in the morning and you had just ended a sixteen hour shift. If it wasn't for regulations, you probably would have worked longer. After all, you truly loved helping people. As you excited the elevator, you shifted the heavy backpack on your shoulder. It was full of medical and history books that you liked to read on breaks. Most of them were borrowed from your parents' enormous collection which you always went through whenever you visited.

Your father was a Preventative Medicine Doctor and your mother was Professor of European and Ancient History. Needless to say, it meant that high expectations were placed on you from the day you were born. Not that they were bad parents, in fact, they were the total opposite. They devoted themselves to your education from an early age but also made sure you had fun extracurricular activities. Your favorites included dance classes and music lessons but violin was the instrument you mastered the best. Despite your hectic schedule, you kept your skills refined by joining the local orchestra.

After opening the passenger side of the car, you threw your backpack and purse on the seat before going to the driver's side. Right as you had sat down and prepared to drive off, you heard a honk which caused you to look up. Idling nearby was a red Lexus driven by Dr. Fitzgerald. He smiled as he motioned for you to roll down your window.

"Hey, just wanted to tell you to drive carefully. It's really bad out there."

"Thanks for the heads-up. Goodnight."

"Goodnight. And maybe get the stethoscope off your neck."

You laughed as you removed it, wondering how you had forgotten it was even on. With a wave, Dr. Fitzgerald drove off to find a parking spot while you pulled off and made your way out of the structure. As soon as you hit the ground floor, you realized why he had given you the warning.


The storm was terrible which made visibility a real issue. Not only was it dark but there was a thick fog settled over everything. It was so hard to see that you had no choice but to turn on the high beams. As you turned on the radio and put on a classical station, lightning struck nearby. After about five minutes of driving cautiously, you finally saw your route ahead.

"Shit!" You shouted as you pulled up to the freeway entrance. "The 405 is closed? Since when?"

While you drove further down the street, the GPS re-routed. You sighed as the faint sound of Mozart's Requiem played softly in the background.

"Oh my God! Why are all these roads closed?"

Yet again, the freeway entrance the GPS directed you to was closed for construction. Frustrated, you changed the command from "highway" to "avoid highways". It would make the journey home slower but at least you would get there. After all, you were tired and in no mood to drive around looking for a functional on-ramp. As you followed the directions being given, you began to wonder if it had been such a good idea. The road you ended up on had no other vehicles and there were hardly any streetlights lining the way.

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