Business Or Pleasure Part 5

Start from the beginning

" Hey you. " Anthony smiled, coming in the door.

" Hi. "

He kissed you softly and then you went right back to reading the script.

" Y/N , I haven't seen you in like a week, can you please put down the script. "

Things with you and Anthony were rocky since you came to LA. You barely had time to sleep let alone spend time with him. You let out a sigh and set the pages down.

" I'm sorry. I've just got a set read in two weeks and this is a huge role, I need to be ready for it. "

" Seems that it's always something. "

You got frustrated.

" This is my job Anthony, I can't slack off. You knew how this was going to be when I came here, and you said you were fine with it. "

" Yeah, well I guess I'm not. "

You ran your hand over your face.

" This isn't working. I don't want to fight with you Anthony. My life is crazy right now, and it's about to get a lot crazier for the next like 6 months. "

He let out a breath and looked at me.

" That's it? "

" Yeah, I guess so. I can't change things and I'm not giving up this role, I'm sorry. "

" Don't be, I get it. "

He leaned in and kissed your cheek softly.

" I'll see you around Y/N "

He closed the door behind him and you fell back onto the couch with a sigh. It was for the best right now, you needed to focus. The morning of the set reading, you got your hair and makeup done. You dressed it casual. You wore your skinny jeans, red t-shirt, black leather jacket and your signature combat boots. You grabbed a coffee then made your way to the studio. You got lost for a few minutes, until you seen the Bulletproof sign.

" Ah there she is, our leading lady, early too. I think this is gonna be the start of something amazing. " Gary smiled.

He showed you around the first set and it made you that much more excited.

" Alright Gary, you gonna tell me who the mystery man is? " You laughed.

He pointed across the lot and your eyes followed. Your heart skipped a beat when you seen those eyes. Those blue eyes, that smirk, the hair. You couldn't control your smile when he walked over to stand in front of you. That smirk on his face made you shake your head.

" Hey. " He smiled.

You let out a laugh, then threw your arms around his neck and his went around your waist, hugging you tightly.

" I seen how you two worked together on Supernatural and I knew that if he could make it work with that schedule, that he was it. We've seen you both play the bad characters and you two in those roles together, it's going to be gold. "

You couldn't believe this. This just made things ten times better. You missed working with him.

" Alright, so the opening scene will be Alex, in a car chase, he blows up someone else's car and then he comes to this apartment, then that's the first time we see you two together. Wanna give it a run? " Gary asked.

" Let's do it. " You smiled.

Alex walked onto set, closed the door behind him, stopped at the desk and took his sunglasses off. The camera was on him the whole time.

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