Elly nudged Dayla," well that wasn't obvious or anything."

"It was fun!" Dayla was smiling so broad at that moment. Nothing could've made her night better. Ash started to walk over to them. He hopped in the pool right next to Dayla and Elly.

"Thanks for getting rid of them!"

Dayla laughed," No problem! It looked like they were bothering you." She said teasingly. She started to get really cold. The September air was going down to 70 degrees and the pool wasn't helping. Ash noticed he shiver slightly. He breathed out through his nose and heated the pool up that much warmer.

Dayla laughed. Elly looked around her," seriously you two! You're asking for it!"

Steam was rising of the surface of the pool.

"That feel's a lot better!" Dayla sunk in the pool, her blonde hair was stick straight.

People in the pool looked around, as if looking for a pot of boiling water someone just threw in. Ash just laughed. He amused himself teasing people and Dayla laughed with him.

She breathed out and the water went really cold. People began to get goose bumps and some were shivering.

Ash bumped her," That's mean, at least they're comfortable with the warm water!"

He warmed the water down again. Elly went around in front of them both," seriously guys, these people are gonna get pneumonia or something."

They looked at each other and nodded in agreement. They would stop she guessed.

They relaxed a little more. The music was playing loudly from the rock speakers. Dayla heard one of her favorite singers John Mayer and she immediately recognized the song that just came on.

"It's not a silly little moment,

It's not the storm before the calm.

This is the deep and dying breath of

This love that we've been working on."

Dayla was nudging Elly," Oh my gosh I LOVE this song!"

"What is it?"

"Slow Dancing in a Burning Room! It's by John Mayer, he sung it at his concert!"

She looked over at Ash who stiffened at the name.

"Have you heard this song before?"

He nodded," Um yea."

"We pulled to many false alarms.

We're gonna diiiee

And you can see it too.

We're gonna diiiee,

And you know that we're doomed.

My dear,

We're slow dancing in a burning room."

That's weird, Dayla thought to herself. She looked over at Ash who was staring straight ahead. She was mouthing the words.

"I was the one you always dreamed of,

You were the one I tried to draw.

How dare you say it's nothing to me?

Baby, you're the only light I ever saw."

Dayla felt the situation get awkward. She got up out of the pool and was just about to head to the family room.

"Hey, where are you going?" Elly tapped her foot.

"Um I'm thirsty, I'm gonna get something to drink."

"Don't you think we oughta know by now?

Don't you think we shoulda learned somehow?

Don't you think we oughta know by now?"

She could hear the music fade behind her as she walked into the family room. She loved that song but she thought it was kinda ironic. She moved to the family room, walking right by the drink table and sat down on the couch. She looked at her phone and it was almost 1 in the morning. Letting out a sigh she slumped down in the chair and people watched out of boredom.

So much has happened today. Earlier today she thought she was all alone and completely helpless. But now she found someone with this same, issue as her. The only problem is she's confused by him. She wonders if he's feeling that obnoxious pull that she's feeling, being opposites.

She was looking at a drunk guy trying to take a sip of his drink with a straw. He was sticking his tongue out, completely disoriented struggling to get it in his mouth. She was wondering why he even had a straw when a huge orange flash from the window behind him caught her attention. She heard screams of fire and ran out, knowing who it was.

She saw a tree completely engulfed in flames; two guys were standing right in front of each other chests all puffed up and heaving. One of those guys was Ash and another she recognized was Milo. People were screaming about the tree and the fire slowly moving down the tree. It moved onto the grass and was making its way to Milo's feet. Milo was spitting words at Ash about his girlfriend and crap; he was slurring and struggling to stand up. Ash just stood there, big and bad listening to every word, fists clenched. Just when the fires was about to touch Milo's bare feet Dayla yelled," Ash!"

He looked up from Milo and at Dayla, eyes wide. Dayla was standing there wet and angry but also scared. When she saw Ash's fire recede and slowly make its way back to the tree she walked over to Milo and pushed his chest.

"Back off! Whatever you're bitching about this is NOT the place to do so. So either take it to the front or leave each other alone!"

Ash put his arm around Dayla and pointed to Milo," I wasn't messing with your girlfriend dick, that was all her." They walked away right before Milo was able to kick him in the nuts. His leg swung up and he flew backwards.

Dayla looked back at the tree watching to fire get smaller and smaller until it was completely out. Elly ran over to them both.

"I guess were leaving now?" Elly asked holding Damon's had.

Dayla looked up at Ash and saw he was starting to get a black eye.

She shook her head," He must have punched you hard." There must have been a fight right before he was yelling at Ash.

Ash just laughed," not so hard, and we can leave if you want to, you know, leave the night with a bang."

"Yea I was getting kinda tired anyway, and this was the most entertaining party I've been to cause of you two." She indicated Ash's arm over Dayla's shoulder and they both quickly moved apart. Elly laughed, "I'll text you later?" Damon nodded and said by and left.

After ash got his keys from Mark they headed to Ash's car and began the ride home.

How to Save the World With Your Exact Oppisite, Your GBF, and Ms. AngerManagmentWhere stories live. Discover now