"Dude I'm getting so fucking mad to the point where I wanna cry, some parts I'm just not liking" I looked at the chat to see everyone telling me to take a break.

"Thanks guys but I wanna have a video by tonight because I haven't published a video in so long" A comment caught me off guard.

"Don't become like Fitz who doesn't upload for months"

I laughed at the comment.

"Don't worry (Username) I'm not gonna become like my boyfriend.. I'm just joking, he's just picky of his clips which I understand"  I continued editing for about 2 hours and I was done. I got the thumbnail for the video, the title and left it to upload.

"Well guys that's the video which will be up in about 2-3 hours, keep your eye on that notification! But I will stop streaming, thank you everyone for watching me suffer for 4 hours! Love you guys" I blew kisses to the camera then stopped the stream.

I looked at the time to see it was 1 pm, Cam is still in his office. I got out of my office then to our room. Cam and I decided to move my computer and equipment so we could have more space in our room.

I changed into a black hoodie of my favorite band/singer, dark blue jeans and some fluffy boots. It was a bit cold today and I wanted to walk for a bit.

I entered Cam's office to see him sighing, his hands in his hair with a Monster drink on his desk.

"Babe?" I caught his attention, his mad expression turned into a happy expression.

"Hey love, what's up?" He got up then walked towards me, wrapping his arms around my hips.

"Just going for a walk since I'm bored" His eyes lit up.

"Can I go too?" I smiled and nodded, he put on a jacket to go out.

"Cam, can I ask you a question?"

"You already did" I mentally face palmed but ignored his smart remark.

"Anyways, why did you want to come with me? Weren't you editing?" He held my hand as we were walking.

"I was about to lose it in that office from editing so much" My smile faded at the thought of him working so hard.

"You shouldn't over stress yourself from it, take it easy on yourself babe" He looked at me with a smile, kissing me on the top of my head.

"That's what I like about you, you care for others"

"Only if I personally know them and like them" We walked for about 20 minutes before deciding to go visit the guys and Harper.

"Eyyyy Y/N, Cam! Come in" Harper opened he door so we could come in, I noticed the tree in the living room which was big.

"So, you guys got a tree without me?" I gasped, putting a hand over my chest. Harper giggled but went along with it.

"Oh dear Y/N, I'm so sorry for not waiting for you! Please do forgive me" She bowed in front of me.

"Maybe if you give me money I w-"

Addicted To Your Love (Fitz x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now