Daniel||Home (part 2)

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Daniels POV
"How dare you say that! She's not the bitchy slut y/n, you are! We're leaving, and consider this friendship OVER!" I screamed at her and walked out with Hailey.
I was furious. How could y/n say that to her? I loved Hailey just as much as she loves me.
We got back to the car.
"Are you ok baby? Did she hit you hard?" I tried to turn Hailey's cheek to see if there was a mark but she shook her head.
"It's hurts Dani." She said tearing up.
"Where does it hurt baby?" She pointed to her left cheek.
"Right there." She said.
I looked at her confused. "I thought she hit your right cheek?"
Her eyes widened. "Uhhh... ummm.." She stammered. "No.. she hit this one." She said.
"No I remember you sitting on the floor holding your right cheek." I said, beginning to get skeptical.
"Ummm...." she began looking around the car as if the answer was going to be on the window or roof. "She called me a bitchy slut Dani, she's not a good person anyway." She said.
"It doesn't matter what she called you now, you lied to me!" I was fuming. "You made me end a relationship with the one person in this world I could trust. And now I don't even think I can get her back and it's all your fault!" I screamed at her. My voice lowered and I stared at my lap, one hand gripping the steering wheel and the other in my lap. "Did you even love me?" I whispered so softly it was almost inaudible.
"Daniel-" she started but I cut her off.
"Did you love me?" I asked again a little louder. I looked at her now. Looking at her face, one I used to be able to stare at for hours, but now I can't look at it for more than a few seconds without getting upset.
She looked down at her perfectly manicured toes, the ones I payed for, and shook her head. Then looked back up at me.
"I didn't." She said cockily, as if she was proud. "She was right. I was using you all along. But I got what I wanted out of it."
"Get out." I said staring straight ahead.
"What?" She asked.
"I said get out. Go find some other guys life to ruin and get the hell out of mine!" I yelled.
"How am I supposed to get back to LA?!" She asked angry.
"That's for you to figure out. Now get out."
She got out of the car and started walking away. I didn't know where she was going and I really didn't care.
After I was sure she was gone I got out of the car and headed back to y/n's apartment. I doubted she would take me back now but I had to try.
I said such horrible things to her, she's none of the things I said. She's perfect, and beautiful, and so kindhearted.
Then I realized, the love I was looking for was in front of me all along...

Things are getting spicy sisters!! Sorry this is a short one but part 3 coming soon! I really hope you're enjoying this story. It's been a while since I've written an actual imagine and it feels good to have the creative juices flowing again.

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