cell powerhouse

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because i feel like my bloodstream is
made up of particles of
loving you
and now that you're gone
i am just an empty house of cells.
i am just body parts and cognitive functioning
and all of my reasoning points to you.
you are the be-all, end-all of my residential cell home.
and when i look at you sometimes
i swear i see hurt deep inside your eyes
but i can't tell my truth from the lies that i tell myself within the comfort of my own negligence.

i can't tell if you miss me or if i'm just willing you to miss me.
because whenever we talked, every atom in my body became charged and sometimes i felt so overwhelmed with my willingness to do anything for you that it terrified me,
but now you're gone and i don't know which is worse,
feeling everything at once
or nothing at all.

you're laced into the very fibres of my body.

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