Chapter 4

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"Are you planning on sitting here for the rest of the day?" Edmund asked, crouching down on one knee so that he was level with my eyes. I had been sitting outside the door for so long, I had lost track of my surroundings. Jonathan and Drakov followed Edmund out of the door. They paid no heed to me, walking down the corridor and talking animatedly about something.

I looked at Edmund. "Where are you going?"

"To the dining hall. It is time for dinner." Edmund replied. "Would you like to accompany me to the hall?" He held out his hand. I looked at it, confused. "Can I not come? I am not very hungry." My stomach betrayed me though. Edmund raised an eyebrow. "If you are scared that people are going to be rude to you, then you are quite wise. It would be foolish to think that everyone here is going to like you and be nice to you."

That was exactly what I was afraid of. I smiled at his words. "You strike me as someone who actually pays attention to the teachings given to you." I accepted his hand and stood up. I looked down to see my dirty, soiled clothes. Edmund's gaze followed mine. "I could obtain something clean for you to wear if you wish."

I looked down in shame. How could I answer to that without hurting my pride? Edmund seemed to realize this. "I mean no insult. You wait right here, Vanor. I shall get you something."

"Drakov told you my name?"

"Actually the Master did. We did not realize that you were the Vanor he was talking of. You have made quite an impression on the man."

He turned and walked off, leaving me alone with my thoughts. What did Tamer Herowitt see in me? Him being nice to me scared me more than if he had tried to harm me. An enemy whose next move cannot be regarded was definitely worse than a predictable one. I waited for Edmund to return, idly admiring the intricate design on the carpet.

I traced a symbol with my foot. Suddenly, an excrutiating pain slammed into my skull, bringing me to my knees.I moaned as the image of the cave blossomed behind my closed eyelids.

Water dripped from the ceiling. I could hear a woman panting.

"Keep it together, love. I promise it will not last much longer." A man's deep voice cut through the darkness. I heard the rustle of fabric as someone was lowered to the ground.

A woman's voice cried out. "I cannot hold it much longer! I need help."

"Just a few more seconds, love," the man sounded frantic. I heard a clatter. The woman began screaming. My heart panged. The screams sounded all too familiar and I felt a need to comfort her, to do anything to stop the screaming.

Abruptly, they stopped. A baby's cry filled the air.

"It is a girl," the man breathed. The woman laughed with joy. "Give her to me."

I could not see the woman's expression as she beheld her daughter; the darkness in the cave obscured everything from sight. Instead, I felt the happines radiate off her. "This is simply perfect, is it not?" she asked the man. "We can finally be a perfect family."

The man did not answer and I felt a chill settle over me. Somehow I knew that the woman's words would never come to pass.

I heard footsteps. "Where are you going, my love?" the woman called out.

"You need to rest, dear. Everything will be fine. Go to sleep."

Those were the last words he would ever say to her. The footsteps became distant and I followed them until I was out of the damp, cold cave. I gasped as the man came into sight.

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Aug 29, 2014 ⏰

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