Chapter 1

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I was caught in the heat of the theft. The adrenaline that stealing bought me was beyond compare. Just knowing that I was smart enough to outsmart somebody left me feeling elated. Through the darkness, I squinted towards my next victim for the night. It was chilly and most of the city was indoors or under a bridge, depending on the tinkling in their pockets.

There were a few stragglers out and they were subjected to what every straggler is subjected to- mugging. My next victim was tall and well built. He was broad sholdured and carried himself with pride. Nothing too difficult for me to handle. Besides, I desperately needed some money.

My eyes not leaving the man for a second, I darted out of the shadows and moved towards him. Fortunately, the moon was not out and the darkness was profound. Taking light steps, I went over my normal routine that I had executed oh-so-many times.

The man turned around the corner and I saw my chance. Quickening my pace, I bumped into the man. I clutched his left hand in a seemingly innocent gesture to maintain my balance.

"I'm so very sorry, sir. Do pardon me. The night is quite dark and I could not beheld where I was going." I said, adopting a whimpering tone.

The man growled. "A likely story. Who do you think you are trying to mess with? I am a Knight, you miserable little girl."

I gulepd. My life briefly flashed before my eyes. Curse my luck. Why did it have to be a Knight? Why not some common citizen who barely knew how to distinguish between a sword and a toothpick? No, I just had to find myself a warrior of the kingdom to steal from.

My tone took on a snivel. "I truly am sorry for what I have done, sir." I squeaked. "I had no intention of displeasing you in any way. It was an honest mistake."

Lie. Lie. Lie.

I wondered if he could hear that word chiming in my head. I hoped not.

"We work our behinds off so that scum like you can stay alive. You deserve to die for interrupting my walk like this." Saying so, he pulled aside his robes to reveal a thin scabbard. The pommel shone even in the dark and I was suddenly drawn to it.

The Knight smiled cruelly at me. Our land would have been so much better off without these goons prowling it. It was true that they protected our lands from outsiders but they were also a huge threat to its citizens. They went about killing and pillaging as they liked. Frankly, the city was under more threat from its own soldiers than outsiders. The Knights were known for their legendary prowess when it came to weilding weapons. They were versed in almost all forms of war. It was believed that they were the descendents of the Lord of War, Naroque, himself.

So I didn't have a reason not to feel a little scared that the Knight had just threatened to kill me.

He unsheathed the sword and brought it up to my neck. "Say good bye, little girl," he grinned.

Just as the blade pierced my skin, a loud, commanding voice called out, "STOP!"

To my shock, the Knight actually listened. He growled lowly in his throat and lowered his sword. "I was just having some fun." he called out, pushing me so that I fell to the ground.

A man walked into my line of view. He was even taller than the Knight and wore a robe of dark red. Even through the darkness, I was able to make out faint designs of arcane origin on the robe. I shivered. The designs reminded me of a cold, dark and lifeless cavern.

The man looked down at me and I felt very tiny. After what felt like an eternity, he turned towards the Knight. "You shall let this girl go."

The Knight huffed. "Just because you are a Tamer, it does not mean I have to listen to everything you say."

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