Chapter 10

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Over the next few days, I was busy finishing up a job in Malibu and getting ready for my trip to Vegas. I hadn't heard from Jared in a few days and was beginning to think that maybe Shannon was right, I couldn't handle a relationship with his brother. If things were to continue this way, hot and steamy one minute, and then cold as ice the next, I certainly didn't want it.

Unfortunately, I couldn't stop thinking about both men. I had a wicked attraction to Shannon and no matter how I felt about my confusing relationship with Jared, my addiction to him and the way his kisses, left me weak in the knees made it impossible to walk away. Even if it went nowhere, I still wanted him.

I was thankful for the call from Sara, asking if we could meet up for lunch. Ryan was off and keeping the girls while we went to our favorite Mexican restaurant. It's funny how as we get older, even the closest of friends seem to drift. Sara and I had been friends for a very long time, and I'd do just about anything to keep her in my life.

I picked at my spinach and cheese quesadillas, silently debating telling her about my latest conflicting feelings. We discussed AJ's exit from my life and she mostly rambled on about hers, and all the drama that comes along with having in laws.

Eventually, we left the restaurant and she came back to my apartment for coffee. She sat on the couch while I brewed a fresh pot and then curled up against the arm of the couch. "So, something else happened that I haven't told you about." I admitted.

Rubbing her hands together, she sipped from the white mug. "Spill it girl! I know you're busy with work and let's face it, I rarely answer to Sara anymore, it's mommy now. I need to hear something that doesn't involve cartoon characters! I hope it's something dirty!"

"Unfortunately, it ended before it could get dirty." I mentioned to her about my run in with Jared at the airport and the fact that he was over for dinner and a movie the other night. I purposely left out Shannon's flirting with me and hadn't yet had a chance to fill her in on our swim. "So, after we ate, we took a little swim and ended up in his bedroom." She looked up at me, her eyes popping out.

"Well, don't stop there! I want details."

I sighed, picking up the mug and taking a sip.

"You just sighed! Why did you sigh? What happened?"

"Jared walked in on me changing and it got a little heated." I stared at the steaming liquid in my cup. "He's so fucking hot."

"But you had sex with him, right? Tell me you fucked him! Oh God, was it as good as you remembered?" Her eyebrows raised and she put her cup down.

"I wouldn't know, his phone rang and he answered it. I ended up getting dressed and going downstairs. That's not the worst part..." I let out a frustrated breath and stared up at the ceiling. "Shannon was there. Sara, he's been flirting with me lately, and he was watching Jared and I together."

Cringing, she glared at me in disgust. "Eeewww! Seriously, stay the hell away from him. He is a freak, Carrie."

"I don't think he's a freak. He is definitely cocky and arrogant, that's for sure, but there is something about him Sara. He's so fucking hot and I have trouble concentrating when he's around. Like when he was in the pool, he wore sunglasses and I have no idea what he was looking at, but I just know he was watching me. Not to mention that day when I had to pick up my wallet from Jared's house. Fuck, his body is just.... ugh. What the fuck is wrong with me?"

She snapped her fingers in my face and shot me the look of disgust. "Hello.. Earth to Carrie! He is a fucking FREAK! Stop this right now, you're making me sick." She made revolting gagging sounds. "You are into Jared, aren't you?" She looked at me concerned.

"Oh, yeah, yeah. I'm just a little confused. I do like Jared a lot, but why can't I stop thinking about Shannon?"

"I don't know, but fuck, you need professional help Carrie, that man is a psycho. DO NOT get involved with him. And can I just remind you, HE'S JARED'S BROTHER!!!!" She glared at me. "I'm serious, he's trouble. Focus on your boy, at least I like him."

"Overly dramatic much?" I knew she'd react this way and rolled my eyes at her before grabbing both coffee mugs and walking to the kitchen. "He's not a psycho. He is, however, definitely sexy. I mean, come on Sara, give me that much, at least." I knew she couldn't disagree there.

She huffed as she followed me into the kitchen. "Sure, he's easy on the eyes, but that doesn't mean a damn thing. He's still an asshole! I swear to God Carrie, use that brain of yours. You like Jared, remember? At least he isn't a prick like his brother." She pulled the phone from her pocket and glanced at the screen. "Shit, the monster in law is over. I gotta go. So much for my alone time." Sara picked up her purse and hurried over to the door, stopping as she opened it. "Next time, I'll just bring the girls with me. Savannah is  like Ryan. She stares at the screen of any electronic device for hours on end, while Hannah's more into having her nails done."

I dried my hands on a dish towel and threw it over my shoulder. "Bring them, we can make some cookies next time."

She turned around, frowning. "Remember what I said Carrie, focus on Jared."

Granting her a nod, I closed the door and went back to what I was doing in the kitchen. I still had a few things to do before leaving for Vegas and needed to get them done today. My mind had been on Jared most of the day, but I wasn't expecting him to show up not five minutes after Sara was gone.

"Opening the door, he held out a bouquet of roses and a bottle of wine. "Hey beautiful, you didn't actually think I was gonna let you fly out without a proper goodbye, did you?"

I stared at him, almost sure his expression mirrored mine. My lips stretched into a smile and I took the beautiful red blooms. "Come in."

He placed the bottle down on the bar and sat down. "I didn't want you to leave with the way things are. I'm sorry about the other day, I didn't mean to walk away and not call or text. Carrie, I really like you a lot and don't want you to leave without letting me make things right."

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