chapter 1

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They all stare at me as I walk in. judging me with their eyes, whispering to each other, laughing and pointing at me. I take my usual seat at the back of the classroom out of the way of everyone.

I look at my desk, tracing the pen ingravements with my finger while I wait for a teacher to walk in and take the lesson.

I hear a voice, a voice I recognize easily but a voice I always hate hearing. I look up to see a beautiful brown eyed boy smiling at me waiting for a reply.

" leave me alone Ben, I cant talk right now". I whisper to him making sure no-one heard me.

"but why? your not doing anything".

" because if I talk to you the class will start looking and asking questions. They will know I am crazy".

" who are you speaking to weirdo"?

I look around to see lily and the rest of the class looking at me stupidly.

" I said who are you speaking to you bitch".

I look up to see lily was talking to me.

" no-one, just myself".

" Aww!!! Poor Matilda is that friendless that she has to have imaginary friends". Lily shouts this out to the whole class.

All I can hear inside and outside my head is laughing. I run out of the classroom not thinking twice about what I was doing. I ran to the girls toilets that were down the hall. I go straight for the  last cubical and lock the door behind me and sit on the toilet shaking in fear and disappointment.

After about 5 minutes I flush the toilet unlock the door and head towards the sink. I run the tap and splash some cold water on my face to cool me down.

I look up in the mirror and see lily standing there with a smirk on her face and three other girls standing behind her.

"well,  well, well, what do we have hear then"?

" leave me alone lily, please, I don't want any trouble".

" yeah, well I do so I am not sorry that we're not on the same page of a book".

before I knew it I was on the floor with blood running down my face.

everything went black...

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