My Neighbour Is My Classmate?!:Part 7

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Wang Junkai's POV----------------------

GYAHHH!! Why did I lost control back then?! I shouldn't had took this dumplings! You idiot Wang Junkai! How could you lose so easily?! Just because of dumplings! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Ugh! I kept on babbling in my heart but my hand and my mouth moved,eating the dumplings he gave.  "Wow.  It's good. Wonder where he bought it..."ping! Oi.  Oi! You've just babbling to yourself about him but now you want to ask him where did he bought it?! Shh! Wang Junkai,where did your pride gone?! 

My legs moved as I threw the empty disposable box into the trash bin.  My legs kept moving while my mind was being thrown somewhere else. I accidentally bumped into someone.  My eyes were still blank but I still stood up straight,bowing and apologized. "Sorry."I apologized and excused myself.  "Hey, Junkai. It's been a long time since we last met."I heard someone said.  I turned and looked at him. He smirked.  "Long time no see,'prince'."He said as he shoved his hands into his pocket.  I stared at him from head to toe.  

"Who in the world are you,sir?"I asked,sounded rude but polite(he think)  at the same time.  I saw how his smirk fell off from his face.  "You don't remember me?!"He yelled.  I covered my ears.  "Too loud."I stated.  He puffed his cheeks. "Sir,please stop puffing your cheeks.  And can you please tell me what do you want? I still have classes, you know?"I said coldly, started to feeling uncomfortable.  "Prince Kai.  You don't remember me? I'm the second Prince! Leo Wu!"He yelled.  

I started to remembered back.  Old memories.  "Oh ya.  You're the second in all categories.  '2rd Prince', Leo Wu.  You thought of me as an opponent because I'm the'1st Prince', Wang Junkai.  Am i right, Leo?"I said as I grinned.  "Che.  Still arrogant as ever.  Cold,arrogant and not playful at all."He commented.  "So?"I asked blankly.  "Still as picky as ever.  You must be only have a few friends, right?"Leo Wu said.  I stared at him without any emotions.  "I choose friends.  We can't just bluntly choose friends. I'm different from you.  You can be friend with anyone."I turned my body.  Then, i looked at him. 

"But not me."I said and walked away,leaving the '2rd Prince'. 

At the class... 

Finally got to get rid of that weirdo.  "Eih! Wang Junkai! How was the taste?! Was it good?!!"Wow.  Another weirdo.  I just ignored him and walked to my place. I sat on it and put my head on my hand,staring out to the window.  


I heard someone banged on my table.  I looked up and saw him.  Our eyes met.  He smiled like a crazy person.  "What's wrong with you?"I took the first step, asking him.  He smiled widely.  "Crazy."I uttered as I looked out to the window again.  I could heard he huffed.  Then, I felt a touch on my hand.  I startled and hurried took back my hand,hiding it under the desk.  I glared him.  He pouted.  "Was it yummy? The dumplings?"He asked as he looked to the floor,still pouting.  I shook my head.  "It was good."I said and stared at him.  He lifted his head.  His face was bright.  He put his smile on his face back. 

"Really?!! I made it myself! I'm happy you said it was yummy! Maybe I should make more for you."He said and laughed.  We got other students' attention.  "That's good.  You're a great cook.  So, please sit down on your place.  Teacher will come."I said.  He nodded and ran to his place.  I saw he sat on his place.  He turned,smiled and waved to me. Maybe. I ignored him and focused to the front.  Teacher finally came with a smile on his face.  "Morning kids! Today we have a new transfer student in our class!"He said.  My eyes widened.  Don't say...  Don't say it's him! I'm sick of that weirdo! 

"Please come in!"He said as he showed to the door.  My eyes followed his hand so does other students.  A pair of long legs stepped into the class.  With a smile on his face,he walked and stayed beside Mr. Bai.  "Please introduce yourself."Mr. Bai said.  I could heard girls' yelling. 

'How handsome.  How handsome.'

That Leo Wu's eyes scanned the class.  Our eyes met.  He grinned. "Hello everyone.  My name's Leo Wu. I'm from Shanghai.  I transfered to Chongqing because of some....  Business."He said and looked at me.  "My parents also have some business here. I hope We can get along."He said, winked and bowed.  "Kya!!!"Girls' scream were no longer quite.  They screamed out loud.  

"Mess."I uttered as I looked out to the window. I could felt...  Another problem will come. 

To Be Continued.... 

Hi! Thank you for reading! I'm sorry if it was suck! By the way,is there LEO WU'S fan here? Just asking. I'm making his character a bit like a playboy.  So, please don't curse me 😅😅😅 So, till we meet in the next chapter,dear readers! KaiYuan forever! Bye bye yi~

My Neighbour Is My Classmate?!(M.N.I.M.C?!)(Kaiyuan) (Karroy)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang