You seen the pain written on his face and you just wanted to make it go away. You looked at him for a second, propping your head on your hand then leaning down and kissing the knuckles of the hand that held yours. A weak smile pulled at his lips then faded quickly. Taking a deep breath, you looked at his face. .

" You want to talk about it? " You asked softly.

Dean hesitated before he sat up and ran his fingers through his hair.

" You don't want to know about the things that go on in my head Y/N. " He stated.

An image of a recurring nightmare popped into your mind and you let out a sigh.

" Did I ever tell you why I've got a thing with small spaces? " You asked, not remembering if you did or not.

Dean leaned his back against the headboard and shook his head. Fiddling with your fingers, you thought about everything.

" After you and Sam left, I tried to forget everything you guys told me. I partied like crazy, going to a different club every night in the midst of being a really awful college student. "

You took in a deep breath as those eyes flashed in your mind.

" One night, I went to the bar with a few friends and I met this least I thought it was a man..He ended up being a demon. I didn't know until we went back to a motel and then everything just happened so fast...I didn't even have time to process what was going on. " You took in another deep breath and continued. " He tortured me for days..he locked me in a closet, my hands tied behind my back, my feet together. I was terrified and I hated myself for being so reckless when you had told me that there was more dangers out there. I...I just didn't know exactly how bad."

You felt the tears fill your eyes and you tried your hardest not to let them fall as you felt Dean take a hold of your hand.

" How did you get away? "

A soft smile came upon your lips.

" Bobby Singer. "

" Bobby saved you? " Dean repeated, a little shocked.

You shook your head and a tear fell onto your cheek, that you quickly wiped away.

" Yeah, he actually taught me everything I know. He kinda took me under his wing, after I begged him of course. He always said that I had a choice, but I didn't..not really. I didn't want to be in a situation like that again, a helpless victim. I specialized in Demons, learning everything I could, which is why I got the call to come and find you.. " You said the last sentence softly.

" Bobby never told me about that. " Dean claimed.

" I still have nightmares about that guy. Bobby didn't get the chance to kill him..he was already gone by the time he showed up and I haven't heard of him since. "

Dean put his hand under your chin and made you look at him.

" You are far from a helpless victim, that's for damn sure. "

You felt that power, or darkness whatever it was come over you and you smiled a smirk that almost mirrored Dean's.

" Not anymore. "

He leaned in and kissed you softly. Laying your head onto your pillow, smiling at him and not even two minutes later, you were fast asleep again.

Dean watched as your breathing became steady, pulling himself on his elbows he kissed your temple softly. He couldn't get that story out of his head. All the pain that you had felt. He wanted to help you finally get past all of that and he knew exactly how he was going to do it. He slowly made his way out of the bed and grabbed his phone. He let you sleep for a couple hours before you woke up by the slam of the motel door. You opened your eyes to see Crowley, wiggling his fingers with that smirk of his. You let out a growl as you sat up.

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