RED Part 4

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Fighting against him with all your strength while dragging your feet, Dean led you towards a big black SUV, letting out a frustrated sigh.

" You know this would go a lot smoother if you just cooperated. " He said, his dark green eyes burning into yours.

You shifted your arm under his grip and didn't respond, but just glared at him as he read the rage on your face.

" Fine have it your way Y/N. "

He opened the back door and gave you a nudge to get in. You placed your feet firmly on the ground, not budging which earned a growl from Crowley.

" Get her in the damn car Squirrel, we don't have time for this. "

You watched as Dean turned to looked at the short man beside him, his head tilting with a smirk coming upon his lips.

" Let's get one thing straight Crowley, you don't bark orders at me and You have no say in how I handle her. You so much as lay one finger on her, I will kill you without blinking. Got it? "

The tone of his voice sent shivers down your spine, but the words he spoke, almost gave you comfort in knowing that Crowley would never lay a hand on you. Crowley didn't say a word, but you didn't miss the crooked smile that pressed at his lips at you before he got into the passenger side and slammed the door behind him. Dean's gaze turned back to you sighing. A little sigh escaped your own lips, knowing there was no way you could outrun him, or even hurt him for that matter, you took a step forward then slid into the back seat.

" That's my good girl. " He smiled, closing the door behind you.

Once he got into the driver's seat, he fixed the rear view mirror to look at you, started the car and drove off. You laid your head against the seat and wracked your brain for what the hell you were supposed to do now. Just as Dean pointed out, Sam would wake up to check on you, because he had always done that back in the day. If there was only a way that you could let him know where you were. Right then, you remembered you had a tiny tracking device that you had picked up to track Dean before meeting up with Sam in the little pocket of your duffel bag that was sitting beside you. Glancing up at the two men in the front seat, bickering back and forth like an old married couple about something, not caring if you picked up on their words, you scootched closer to the bag. You gritted your teeth as you felt the cold metal of the cuffs bite into your skin as you strained to reach the zipper of the pocket. Keeping your eyes glued ahead, you reach inside and feel around until you get a grip on the tiny square device. Your fingers ran around the surface until they found the tiny button, that you flick on. Letting out a breath whilst zipping the pocket back up then leaning back into the seat again. Now just to figure out how to get him the pass code to the damn thing is going to be the real challenge. You had no phone and you were sure that the King and the Demon weren't going to leave you alone again. After a few hours of listening to them bitch about Chuck knows what, you seen a sign saying that there was a rest stop a few miles ahead. Most rest stops usually had payphone..or something. This was worth a shot. You cleared your throat, and Dean took his eyes off the road for a second to glance back at you.

" Yes princess? "

" I need to pee. "

Crowley shook his head.

" We've still got a ways to go there Darlin, cross your legs. "

Dean searched in front of him and tossed a bottle into the back seat. You looked down at the bottle that had landed at your feet and let out a laugh.

" You're kidding me right. For one, you have my damn hands cuffed behind my back and two, vaginas don't really work like that. If you don't stop soon, y'all are gonna have a mess to clean up back here. " You huffed out.

Dean took in a sigh, then turned his attention to Crowley.

" We really should ditch this crap car soon anyways, can only change the plates so many times. Plus I think I want something with a little more speed. "

The grin that pulled on Dean's lips, reminded you of the smile that came across his face anytime he talked about the Impala. Smirking as Dean pulled into the rest stop parking lot, you searched the rundown stop and noticed a little window that you were hoping was the bathroom. Dean hopped out of the car, his boots kicking the gravel as he walked around and opened the back door. He leaned inside, his face inches away from yours, those green eyes locked with yours.

" You've got 5 minutes and I'm coming in with you. "

He fished the key from his pocket, brushing his hands over your hips as he reached behind you and unlocked one cuff, then the other. He took a hold of your hand and slid you out of the car and onto your feet. You rubbed at the red marks around your wrist and headed straight to the bathroom, Dean right behind you. Before you reached the wooden door, an older woman, opened it for you with a smile, heading inside before you. You turned and smirked at Dean, knowing that he wouldn't follow you in there now. When you seen the woman close the stall door, and you immediately walked over to the window, glancing towards the door as you opened it as quietly as possible. You bit your lip when it creaked open all the way. You sized the window up, knowing that it would be a tight fit, but you needed to make it out. Pushing yourself off the sink, you shimmied the top half of your body out. Grabbing onto the window sill, you pushed yourself the rest of the way out, and fell to the ground with a little thud. You looked around, hoping to see a unattended car that you could hot wire. A rush of hope ran through you, as you eyed the blue minivan that sat maybe about 10 feet away from where you stood. You were just about to bolt, when you heard that voice call your name.

" Y/N, come on now, I thought we had this discussion already. "

The roughness in his voice sent panic straight through you, you didn't even want to think about what he would do, if you didn't get away. You heard the heavy footsteps coming towards you, and you hurried around the building, staying as quiet as possible. The darkness of the night, made this ten times worse, because you could barely see a foot in front of you, thanks to the lack of street lights around the old shop.

" Come out, come out wherever you are. " You heard him, a little further away, but you could still hear the smirk on his lips.

You eyed the van again telling yourself, it's now or never. You bolted towards the parking lot, but before you could even get halfway there, you felt a huge arm wrap around your waist as it pulled you against a rock hard chest. He didn't have to say anything for you to know that it was him.

" Really Y/N, that's the oldest trick in the book.. you think if you were gonna risk trying to run, you would have been a little smarter about it. "

Your heart started to race as you felt his other hand run slowly up your arm, and find its way into your hair. Within a second, he took a fist full and pulled it back making you wince in pain. Your reaction scored a satisfied laugh from deep in his chest. You snapped your eyes shut as you felt his breath make it's way from your neck and stop just beside your ear.

" I almost forgot, you like it like that don't you baby girl? " He smirked.

Letting go of your hair, his hand moved under your chin, pushing it to look at him.

" Now, just know that what happens next, is your fault. The more you try to run, the worse you're making it for yourself Y/N "

Without warning, the cuts around your wrists stung to life as he slapped the cuffs back on, and led you to a red older mustang. You started to really struggle when he opened the trunk of the car. You knew exactly what he was planning.

" Dean, please...don't do this. " You pleaded, not caring how weak it made you sound.

" I know that you have a thing with small you because you decided to disobey, you have to be punished sweetheart. "

You tried to push off him, but there was no use. He picked you up off your feet, like you were nothing and set you into the trunk. Your eyes were glued shut, as they filled with tears. This was like the worst possible case for you. It brought back horrible memories, that you always tried not to relive. Dean stared down at you coldly before slamming the trunk shut making you jump completely out of your skin as the darkness suffocated you.

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