"Wait that's it!" You yelled in disbelief as he popped the top off the bottle and taking a drink, leaving you weaked kneed where you stood.

"All good things come to those who wait," He coyly grinned.

"Well that's bullshit," you pouted like a 10 year old girl that didn't get her pony for her birthday. "I don't like waiting."

"I know," he smiled again while throwing his jacket on. "Come on. Let's go out."

You glared at him in annoyance while pulling up your jeans and buttoning them back up again. He stood patiently with one hand keeping the door open for you. Walking to stand only inches from him to go outside into the cool night air you flashed him a hard look.

"You are evil." His eyes flashed black as his smile grew larger on his face.

"I know."

" You're a loud one aren't you. " Crowley snickered, leaning against Dean's car.

You tilted your head to him with a smirk of your own.

" Jealous Crowley? "

He narrowed his eyes at your comment, before looking over at Dean.

" Where are you going? "

Dean opened up the passenger's side door so you could get inside.

" We... are going to get a drink. "

" Great, I'll tag along. " He said as he slipped into the back seat.

Dean shook his head, got into the car and drove around until he found a bar a few minutes from the motel. Sitting down at a table, you eyed the pool table, then looked at Dean. You stripped off your jacket, walked over the the cues and smirked at him.

" Want the chance to win back the money you lost weeks ago? " You smirked, remembering how you whopped his ass the night you seen him again.

His smirked at you playfully then got to his feet.

" Order us some beers, would ya. I'm gonna show this one how to properly play pool. "

He put a wad of cash onto the side of the table and you did the same. You were beating him again, and then he started distracting you. Running his hands up your back just as you were about to shoot and wrecked your shot. You stood up and looked at him as he made his way to the other side of the table.

" You're cheating Winchester. "

" I have no idea what you're talking about. " He smirked, as he took a drink from his beer.

You couldn't help but mimic his smirk as he lined up and sank his ball into the pocket. After that, you had no chance. He sank ball after ball and you just stood there leaning against your cue. He had just the 8 ball left, and he stopped to take his jacket off and toss it beside Crowley, leaning down and looking up at you as he shot and went straight in. He stood up, tossing his cue onto the table, letting his tongue run across his lips in satisfaction.

You tossed your cue next to his and followed him back to the table and finished off your beer now warm beer.

" I'm gonna go get us another. " You said, getting up, letting your hand graze over his as you walked over to the bar.

After ordering your drinks you noticed the jukebox in the corner. You walked over, searched the songs then clicked the buttons and waited for the music to start. You felt Dean and Crowley's eyes on you and you smiled as you moved your body to the music that now filled the almost empty bar.

"You trust this little act of hers?" Crowley cocked up his eyebrow to Dean while watching Y/N sway her hips to the beat.

"No," Dean shot out flatly before a smirk rose upon his lips. "Just give me a little time and it won't be all an act anymore. She'll be just as damned as us."

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