" Alright, so anymore takers? " He asked, as he counted the money that he picked up from the table.

" I'll play. " You called out, and his eyes met yours.

The smile grew into a smirk and he tilted his head looking you up and down.

" Well well, look who we have here. " He said, making his way to stand face to face with you.

" Y/N Y/L/N . It's been what 10 years. "

You felt an instant heat run through your entire body, when he moved the loose hair from your face and tucked it behind your ear.

" The years have been good to you. "

" Keep it together Y/N " You told yourself.

You reached into your back pocket and pulled out a wad of cash and placed it on the table.

" Are we playing or what? " You asked, looking up into those emerald eyes.

" I'm not sure I want to take your money sweetheart. "

You pulled on a smirk of your own.

" Scared Winchester? "

He shook his head with a laugh, then set his money on the table next to yours.

" Let's play. "

It was a close game, but you were on your last shot. You lined up your shot, looked up and him, smirk, then sank the 8 ball. You stood up, and he just looked at you, shock written all over his face. You gathered the cash, walked over to him, and put a 20 dollar bill to his chest.

" Buy yourself a drink. " You smirked.

Before you could take your hand from his chest, he took a hold of your wrist which made you take in a shaky breath. You thought about the last time he had his hands on you, making you scream his name in the empty motel room.

" How about I buy you one? "

You mind was telling you to turn around and walk out the door, but you smiled and pulled your wrist from his grip.

" One drink. "

He smirked as he watched you walk back over to your seat at the bar and sit down.

" 2 Whiskey's. " Dean told the bartender.

" Alright, so what brings a girl like you to a little place like this? " He asked.

" Thank you. " You told the bartender then looking at Dean.

" Some Demon has been running a mess here, so I've been asking around. "

Dean took a drink from his glass then swirled the gold liquid in his glass.

" Demon huh. "

" Yeah, where's Sam? "

" Ah me and Sammy kinda went our separate ways a while ago. "

" What happened? "

" We just had a difference of opinions I guess you could say."

He shook his head with a little laugh.

" What? " You asked.

" Nothing, I just didn't think that you would end up in this life. "

" Yeah well once you guys told me what was actually out there, I had to. "

You guys talked for a bit, had a few drinks then you decided it was best that you leave before you did something stupid. As you got to your feet, you pulled on your jacket and looked at Dean.

" Leaving already? " He asked, getting up from his seat.

" A girl's gotta sleep at some point. " You laughed.

" I'll walk you to your car. "

You looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

" When did you become such a gentleman? " You asked, making your way outside.

" People change Y/N . " He said, following behind you.

The moment you stepped outside, the night breeze hit you and you shivered. You looked to the left and seen the black shine of that beautiful 67 Impala. That was the last thing you seen before everything went black. You had no clue how long you had been out for, but the pressure of ropes being tightened around your wrist woke you up. You blinked your eyes until they focused and you seen a shadow of a tall man leaning against a table in the dimly lit motel room.

" She's awake. " Dean said, and you could hear the smirk in his voice.

His voice sent chills down your spine, and when you seen him come into the light, you took in a deep breath.

" You know if this is a kinky way to get in my pants, you're going about it all wrong. " You said, sarcasm dripping from your mouth.

He bent down beside you and stopped at your ear, so close you could feel his breath on your skin, which sent goosebumps all over you.

" Oh sweetheart, I've been there and I know it wouldn't take me much to get back in there. "

He stood up and looked down at you.

" You were looking for me. "

" What the hell are you talking about Winchester? "

" You told me that you were here on a case. "

" Yeah, a Demon case. "

He again, bent down but this time he was eye to eye with you and within seconds, his beautiful green eyes, turned black. Your heart began to race at the sight in front of you.

" Baby, I'm the Demon, you're looking for. "

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