RED Part 1

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Plopping yourself down on the squeaky motel bed, you let out an exhausted sigh. That salt and burn had been a little more complicated than you planned. Of course you had to go around looking for an old t-shirt that had been donated to a thrift store. You had talked to at least 6 people that night before finally finding it and burning it. All you needed was a bottle of Whiskey, a hot shower and about 2 days of sleep. You flicked the light on in the run down motel bathroom and let out a breath.

" Please at least have decent water pressure. " You said, turning on the shower.

You were thankful that the pressure was pretty good and there was a decent amount of hot water, for you to wash off all the crap you've done over the past few days. Closing your eyes under the hot water, you hear your phone ring, through the open bathroom door. You let out a groan, rinsed yourself off, wrapped a towel around you then answered it.

" Cole, long time no talk, what's up? "

" I've got a demon problem in Austin Texas, you far from there? "

" About a few hours, what's the damage? " You asked, taking a sip from your almost empty glass.

" I've lost a few hunters already, I just can't seem to catch the bastard. He's quick and smarter than most Demons that I've dealt with, so I was hoping you could help me out. "

Well there goes the day off you were looking forward to.

" Yeah, I need to catch a few hours of sleep, then I'll head there. "

" Thanks, oh and Y/N be careful, I wasn't kidding when I told ya this guys was smart. "

" I always am. " You ended the call and tossed your phone onto the bed.

You got dressed into a pair of shorts and a tank top, then got into the small bed by the window and passed out. You only managed to get about 2 hours of sleep, before you woke up and started packing your bag. After tossing your duffel bag into the back seat, you called Cole and got more information, stopped for a cup of well needed coffee then made your way to Austin. You talked to a few locals, checked out some spots Cole had mentioned, then decided to check into the closest motel. It was around 10 pm, when you decided to ditch the FED suit in for a pair of skinny jeans, an old rock t-shirt and your favorite pair of boots. You pulled on your black leather jacket and decided that you were going to get a drink at the bar you had seen a few minutes from the motel. When you walked inside, the smell of booze and smoke instantly hit you. You walked over to the bar, noticing that it was pretty crowded, but there was a group of people surrounding the pool table at the other end of the bar.

" What can I get ya doll? " The blue eyed bartender asked, with a flirt smile.

" Whiskey please. " You said glancing over at the group of people again.

" What's with the crowd? " You asked, as he sat the glass in front of you.

" Some guy has been beating my best locals all night. "

You took a long drink then smirked at the man behind the bar.

" Well, let's see if he can beat an out of towner. " You said, getting up from your stool and walking over to the mess of people.

You hustled men out of their money, at least once a week. Your father actually taught you how to play when you were 7 and you took advantage of that. The monster fighting life, didn't pay the bills, so why not. You pushed your way through the crowd and you watched the brown haired man, leaned over, set up his shot, and sink the 8 ball into the corner. When he stood up, your heart skipped a beat. You hadn't seen that face in at least 10 years. Dean Winchester. The man you tried everything to forget after everything that happened between you two. You were 18 years old when that green eyed man, showed up and saved your life from a vampire. Of course you thought him and his freakishly tall brother Sam were crazy, but after a few hours and a few glasses of Scotch you had no reason not to believe them. You instantly fell for him, you tried so hard not to, but like they say, the heart wants, what the heart wants. And yours wanted Dean, even when your mind was yelling at you, that it was a bad thing, that he would be nothing but heart break, and that he sure was. It took you a long time to finally shake that beautiful face from your mind, and now he was standing a few feet away from you.

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