Wilhemina showed a vicious expression. "You know where to find me, Worthless Princess."

The assembly ended with that, but Erin's troubles were just beginning.

Her school life had never been pleasant, but now it had descended into absolute hell. Some students simply ignored her, refusing to be near her and pretending she didn't exist. Erin preferred these methods.

Some, however, took a more devious route. Destroying her belongings, shredding her assignments before they could be handed in. Small, almost undetectable magic attacks struck her throughout magical theory class. Wind magic ripped out her hair, fire magic singed her clothes, water magic filled her shoes and froze into place. Exhausted, Erin would spend the majority of her mental energy countering or protecting herself from attacks in all directions. Her head pounded constantly as she was forced to draw on magic over and over, pushing constantly on her restrictions.

Things were even worse in the practical studies. Once on the practice field, sash after sash was thrown at her feet, as students lined up for the opportunity to face her in a magical fight. Unable to reject, she accepted each duel, and fought bitterly to the end. With her restrictions still in place, there was very little she could do, and each fight ended with her on the ground, her anger and bitterness growing with each loss.

Gerald was beside himself. He stayed by her side despite the pressure, healing her after each fight. His face was pale, his hands trembling as he helped her to her feet each time.

"Let me help!" He begged her one day after her fifth loss since practical studies had begun, wanting to take her place. "This is killing you!"

Erin smiled wanly, reaching out to gently touch his face. "I have to fight my own battles." She shook her head, trying to clear it as she tried to steady herself on her feet. "Besides, they may not realize it, but they are actually helping me grow stronger." She grinned. "That was the point of the restriction spell in the first place, after all."

Gerald did not return her smile, looking more worried. "Being stronger in the future won't help anything if you're dead." He looked at her determined expression, and then sighed loudly. "At least let me help out with the ones who are breaking the rules to attack you during theory class."

Erin tilted her head, blinking her eyes as her vision blurred briefly. "Would that make you feel better?"

His expression was grim. "No, but it will definitely make them feel worse."

Laughing bitterly, she agreed, turning to face her next opponent.

Having gotten her agreement, Gerald didn't waste any time. He immediately went on a rampage, challenging every student that had attacked her secretly during class. Caught in the same trap that Erin was, they had no choice but to accept a formal duel.

They didn't stand a chance.

Against average students, his level 5 Insight truly shined, allowing him to counter and utterly defeat each opponent. He showed no mercy, often attacking faster than they could surrender. Many were carried off the field unconscious, broken bones and internal injuries became a common sight in the infirmary.

It didn't lessen the number of challenges that Erin received each day, but quickly the secret harassment she received during class stopped, as word got around that it was a easiest way to find oneself facing one of the strongest students of the academy.

Erin knew that it was causing Gerald to be viewed as an accomplice, that he was being avoided and ostracized as well. She felt guilty about it, talked to him multiple times, but still he stubbornly refused to leave her side.

Restricted Magic : The Ability ThiefWhere stories live. Discover now