"Ooh, I like him!" She laughed and gave a thumbs up gesture to Erin, who ignored her.

"Quiet, class, we're beginning the lesson now." The teacher rapped on the desk a few times to gather everyone's attention, and then started to speak regarding magic relativity.

Erin tried her hardest to listen, but unfortunately, she already knew this material very well. She noticed that Gerald was writing notes diligently throughout the lesson, while Olivia spent most of the class trying to send her paper notes using her wind magic behind her back. Erin silently gathered them, and then incinerated them to ashes without reading them with fire magic. She ignored the death glares that Olivia sent her afterwards.

Finally it was self study time. Gerald turned to face her with an excited expression.

"Can we start the tutoring now?"

Erin looked away from his puppy dog eyes. "Why in so much of a rush?"

"Well, although my nation is very advanced with regards to nurturing magical abilities, the theory and science that goes behind magical advancement as well as artifact creation and use are simply non-existent there." He clasped his hands in front of him. "You're my only hope!"

She rolled her eyes. "No need to be so dramatic, I've already accepted your money for tutoring sessions."


"Hold it!" Olivia jumped in, her eyes wide. "So you're using the old 'please tutor me' trick to get closer to my best friend, eh?"

He shook his head. "No, I desperately need help with the material, she's the top scorer in the school in magical theory. Even if I weren't proposing to her, I would have asked for her help."

He paused, thinking it over. "Although I have to admit it is a great chance to get to know her better."

"You know..." Olivia grinned. "I'm the best resource in this school regarding all the Erin trivia you would want to know."

"Shouldn't I learn that from her?"

"Well, all the major stuff yes, that's for bonding. But the small things, like her favorite colors, favorite gifts, date ideas... you need someone with the inside scoop!"

Gerald's eyes widened. "I hadn't thought of that." He stood up and bowed before the girl. "Olivia, will you be my teacher with regards to courting your best friend?"

She stuck out a hand. "It will cost you."

Erin felt she had to stop this, as the poor guy was already searching his pockets for cash. "Olivia, what are you doing?! You can't sell information about me! And Gerald, don't let yourself be taken advantage of so easily!" She placed her hands on her hips and glared. "Do I make myself clear?"

They both hung their heads down. "Yes, Erin."

"Good, now let's start the tutoring session."

She pulled out a piece of paper, drawing as she spoke. "Starting from the basics. Magical theory all comes down to two major concepts: capacitance and induction speed. Capacitance is the amount of magical power a person has at their disposal." She drew two circles, one large and one small.

"Think of it like a body of water. You know that a level 1 fire ability might be able to shoot sparks or light dry wood. Now a level 4 would be able to burn this whole school down without breaking a sweat." She pointed to the large circle. "The capacitance of a level 4 compared to a level 1 is like a lake next to a puddle of water."

Gerald raised his hand diligently. She chuckled at the sight. "Yes?"

"What about the capacitance of a level 5?"

Restricted Magic : The Ability ThiefWhere stories live. Discover now