Stranger Danger

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'Shootingstar123' has joined the chat-room

Shootingstar123: hello, anyone on!?

anonymous:  hello, whats your name?

Shootingstar123: Mabel, whats yours?

anonymous: Where do you live?

Shootingsar123: Hey, I asked you what your name was!

anonymous: Where do you live?

Shootingstar123: you didn't answer my last question, so i'm not gonna answer yours!

'anonymous' has left the chat-room

'Dipper_pines' has joined the chat-room

Dipper_pines: Mabel dinners ready

Shootingstar123: oh ok, i'll be down in a minute

Dipper_pines: also, your on dishes

Shootingstar123: But I did the trash last night can't I be on dishes

Dipper_pines: We will talk about it once we eat our dinner 

'anonymous' has joined the chat-room

Shootingstar123: oh, your back!

anonymous: What are you talking about

Shootingstar123: not much, just chores

Dipper_pines: Mabel!?! your not meant to talk to strangers!

Shootingstar123: Chill out, I've talked to them before


anonymous: Is he always like that?

Shootingstar123: yeah

'oldandrich' has joined the chat-room

Oldandrich: Kids dinners ready, i've already eaten and can't find the T.V remote

'anonymous' has left the chat-room

Dipper_pines: Grunkle stan, mabel was talking to strangers!

Shootingstar123: Dippers just paranoid

Oldandrich: I honestly don't care who did what, come help me find the remote

Oldandrich: I refuse to stand up

Dipper_pines: sigh

Shootingstar123: I dibs cleaning the dishes

'Shootingstar123' has left the chat-room

Dipper_pines: aw man!

Oldandrich: Better luck next time kid

'Oldandrich' has left the chat-room

'Dipper_pines' has left the chat-room

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