Year 2 - Hogsmeade

Start from the beginning


"Hey Darcy, you want to do something fun?" my brother asks.

"What?" I asks curious in return.

"You'll see, come on." he helps me putting away the books on the right place in the library and when we walk out he shows me some peace of parchment.

"What is it?"

"Our map to fun." he opens it and points his want in the middle of it, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." Then the map begins to appear.

Messrs. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs our proud to present the Marauder's Map.

"The Marauders's? I've read about it in moms diary. Dad is one of those, Harry. Our dad was one of the makers of this map!" I say overjoyed.

"Wait, what? What diary? How do you know?" my brother asks confused.

"Well, an old schoolfriend of our parents gave me a journal from mom in her last year, the year she became friends with our father. How did you get this map, anyway?"

"Fred and Gearge gave it to me, the said they stole it from Filch in their first year. Now let's find a way that leads to Hogsmeade."


Going to Hogsmeade went quite well. Now were looking for my brothers friends and we find them, in a conflict with the Malfoy gang. So I take a snowball and throw it into Draco's face. His expression is hilarious, like always when it comes unexpected. I keep throuwing snowball while Harry punshes Goyle in the snow and takes down Crabbes pants. He takes Draco's legs and drags him for a while. The Malfoy gang flees.

Now he start to trick Ron and Hermione but she knows it is my brother so I come out of my hiding place.

"Harry!" she laughs while he takes the cloak.

"Bloody hell, Harry. How did you two get here?" Ron asks surprised.

"We got some help from your brothers." I explain and he knows therewith whitch brothers I mean. Harry explains how we got the map.

"Those weasels! Never told me about any Marauder's Map." Ron says indignantly.

"He won't keep it. He'll turn it over to Professor McGonagall, right?" Hermione says.

"Of course not, my father was one of the makers."

"Let's just go drink some botterbeer." I suggest.

We just ordered our drinks when Hagrid, Professor McGonagall and the Minister of Magic enter. Hermione quickly puts a tree in between us so they can't see my brother and I.

"What brings you here, Minister?" we hear Madam Rosemerta ask not that happy, "Sending more dementors?"

"We have a killer on the loose, the dementors are for protection." the Minister explains.

"Sirius Black in Hogsmeade!" she responds incredulous. "And what would bring him here?"

"Harry and Darcy Potter." the Minister wispers.

"Years ago, when their prarents realized they were martked for death- Remember? They hid. Few knew where they were. One who did know, was Sirius Black and he told You-Know-Who." McGonagall starts to explain.

"Not only did Black lead him to the Potters that night he also killed their friend, Peter Pettigrew!" the Minister continues.

"Peter Pettingrew?" Madam Rosemerta asks.

"Yes, that little lump of a boy. He was always following them like a puppy. He wasn't that smart as James and Sirius were." McGonagall clarifies.

"Peter tried to warn the Potters but run into his old friends, Sirius Black." the Minister continues, "Black was vicious. He didn't kill Pettigrew. He destroyed him! Two fingers. That's all that was left. Nothing else."

"Sirius Black may not have put his hands to the Potters but he is the reason they're dead." McGonagall says.

"And now, he wants to finish things." the Minister says. "And then knowing Sirius Black was Harry Potters godfather."

Harry stands up so we follow him. When he stops I see he's crying so I hug him.

"Not everything they said was true, Harry." I tell him.

"He was their friend, he was their friend! He betrayed them!"

"No, Harry, he didn't. That's a lie-" I try to explain.

"I heard it myself, didn't I?"

"Come, Harry. We need to go back to school, I'll tell you later." I lead him back to the secret passage, back to school.

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