What Arousal Smells Like!

Start from the beginning

            We got into position and I counted off. We breezed through the first part of the transition and when he grabbed my hands and leaned in like he was going to kiss me before spinning me out and begun a simple tango with very little turns and dips except at the end where he did a deep dip before pulling me back up. I looked into his eyes and pulled away before he acted on the emotion I seen burning in them. “How in the hell are we supposed to do that?” Jessica complained more like whined. “That is what I am teaching you now I need everyone to partner up. It would be nice if you willingly picked your partner because if I have to for you you’re not going to like it.” I explained. “Edward, do you want to be my partner?” Jessica and Lauren asked him in a sound that was supposed to be a purr, but sounded like they had a frog in their fucking throat. “No I’m Bella's partner in every sense of the word.” He told them moving away. “Lauren your with Tyler and Jessica you with Mike.

            I looked around and it looked like everyone had a partner good that makes this a lot easier. I walk over and turned the music off. “Okay I need you all to line up across from your partner. I want it so you have enough space from the people on either side of you but only a few feet from you partner in front of you. Edward and I will show you the first two four count twice. Ignore the arm and hip movements we are just working on the feet right now.” I said as we demonstrated. I had them do it several time until they got it and we moved on to the next steps until we had all the steps. I made sure that they had plenty breaks before we worked on the hips and arms. It was still sketchy by the time we finished but we did get further than I believed we would. “Okay I want you to practice the whole thing at home, so we can run over it a few more time tomorrow before we add music and try the transition. Oh and before I forget don’t be late tomorrow or I’ll add more to your punishment for tomorrow bye.” I told them as I headed over to my computer and changed the music to my Latin mix. I turned the music up and walked back to the open floor as I pulled Edward with me.

            I smiled up at him. “Why I do believe that I owe you a dance Mr. Cullen.” I purred. “Mmm I believe you are correct Ms. Diamond.” He said pulling me closer just as the music started. Again I lost myself in the music, well I was partly lost in the music the other part I was lost in his scent. I pulled back from him after we had danced for a while and went to go put all my stuff away I slipped back on my shoes before heading out to the parking lot. Edward already had the trunk popped so I put my bags in and closed it. As soon as it was closed I found myself sitting on top of it with Edward tongue down my throat as he stood between my legs. God he was so forceful that I felt my body bending to his will. When he started grinding into me I lost it. all the bent up emotions started to come through just as we were pulled apart.

            I didn’t even think about it I just hopped off the car and snatched my cover off my bike shoving it in the compartment with my helmet and speed off. I heard shouting behind me and cars starting but I cut off my scent and just kept driving never looking back. I don’t know what is happening to me, so against my best wishes I headed to the one person who might. I drove up on the path leading right up to the grave and hopped off of my bike. “Okay I know I wasn’t very friendly the last time we met, but I need your help now Gran. What is going on with me?” I asked pacing in front of her grave. I didn’t get an answer or any sort of reply from her and that just pissed me off. I growled shouting at her. “Why are you ignoring me?! If anyone should be upset and refusing to talk to someone it should be me dammit!! I mean you said you were going to help me but you haven’t done shit! All you did was pop up with semi-useful shit; you know what fuck it!!” I yelled before running to my bike and hopping on leaving nothing but dust in my place.

Twistice (Twi-Stice)Where stories live. Discover now