Captain Mutiny Genre Debacle

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                                            Just then someone in the crowd speaks up and steps foward abit at this crowds mid front section closer towards the gallows and yells out, "Just get "one" thing handy...besides any more charges!!!" The reader and Captain  Mutiny Genre Debacle both simultainiously stare down at this yelling man,a shabbily dressed, short black haired man, and visibly missing a few front teeth within his skeletal looking mouth.Captain Mutiny Genre Debacles mind begins racing ever more so trying and trying to recoginise this shabbily , ill toothed man, thinking to himself..."Is this one of my crewmates or associates in some kinda disguise? Here to cause a deversion whilst other "mateys" break him away and free of this execution?" Captain Mutiny Genre Debacle squints and squints his eyes thinking and thinking...this man doesn't look all... The shabbily dressed man then adds louder slightly up back towards them, "Just get his dang coffin ready!!!!Already!!!!"... The large crowd of onlookers and people all almost in sudden unison cheer happily and very approvingly around this shabbily dressed man. Captain Mutiny Genre Debacles heart proverbally drops back down his throat as his faces expression angrilly glimmers into a dissapointed deep scowl back down at this yelling man, the wind taken out of his sails...of hope, heavily whithin his mind.( The reader shrugs his shoulders and sarcastically comments,"Seems they are in very much a rush today...huh?" Captain Mutiny Genre Debacle ye olde curses back over at him,the reader laughs a little deeply sighing,his eyes staring back over at the parchment then casually remarks, "Ah...what a job to have....what a job to have.....")

                                            Meantime elsewhere ahead a few thousand years later amidst this planet Earth a few regal,  red and white ,colonial dressed people are walking down along a main street,all six of them carrying by aligned golden looking metal handles a large black, oblong shaped box amoungst an average city types main street. At the end of this streets intersection up along a few tall cement stairs leading up to a glassy and metal double doored entranceway, it is a modern day courthouse. Right, positioned at the front of this said courthouse are a bunch of uniformed police standing around, all muttering amoungst themselves, a few of them having cigerattes, another few drinking assorted cups of coffee, and yet a few others looking seemingly aimlessly around this nearing and nearing somewhat progression of oddly dressed men, and their carried box. On either sides of the street rest long wooden police barricades and barriers, behind them all are large numbers of curious onlookers, bystanders and puzzeled looking people.All staring as these six oddly dressed men carrying this long, black, oblong box sown along this now this afternoon,semi shut down main street.

                                            One of the uniformed cops remarks annoyedly, "What a job to have...What a job to have...", then deeply sips from his white styrofoam cup filled with hot coffee.Another cop curiously asks,"So..does anyone know "whats with that box of theirs?" Looks like a friggin coffin...?"One of the cops further ahead of the crowd answers back informedly,"Found out sofar...its a legally covered religious observed....thingy....That box was scanned, checked, rechecked...and then looked over and over....its just an empty box...doesn't make sense...But...hey its legal....whatever....Friggen wacky though..." Yet another cop chimes in, "A protest? Maybe a funeral? maybe its a statement thing? Or maybe more new age "art crap"" A few of the cops all turn around over towards him agitatedly staring stares at him. The cop pauses, glancing around and back at them all, then states loudly, as almost defiantly, "I hate new age art crap....Who doesn't? Right?

                                            Way overhead this main streets odd seeming afternoon flies and hovers a small news looking helecopter , aboard it are three people seated tightly in it, the pilot, Captain Chip, a reporter,Luke Hanzen, and in the copters rear back seat is Danny Hemper, the reporters assistant, and cameraman.Captain Chip is an aged looking man, dressed in a typical leathery, army styled pilot clothes and gear of sorts, a leathery brown cap, a pair of black sunglasses, dark clothy clothes under a thin , dark brown bombadiers styled jacket  pants and a pair of black boots. He is casually driving and manuvering his helecopter around as almost visibly bored looking, as voices coming in from his head mounted microphone keep telling him, "Great Captain...just keep covering the main drag for just a few more minutes...," captain Chip acknologes the voices back by replying, " got it...righty "o"."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2013 ⏰

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