Once you start you can't stop

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Once you start you can't stop it's like boomerang you pick it up and throw it but it always comes back, always comes back as an itching on your arm the craving for the blade to glide across your wrist, to see blood seeping out of your arm through small slits. and people call you dramatic and think you're looking for attention, and maybe you were maybe you just wanted someone to ask if you're okay but now ,no, no now it's an itch,it's in your mind calling out to you because once you start you can't stop.

The first time the blade breaks through the thin layers of your skin drawing blood it plants a seed, deep down in you a weed and it grows and grows it becomes out of control it begs you, cut me ,cut me and when you do it feels great you feel a sense of euphoria you can rest now it will not bother you but no,because once you start you can't stop. You never cut it from the root it will grow again and again and again and nothing will stop it unless , unless you end it but the only way to end it is to end you,
because once you start you can't stop .

So that was my first chapter I really enjoyed writing that and I hope some of you connected with it. Obviously I won't always say where the story got it's origins from but I'm okay with this one as this came from my own experience of self harm.
Alright bye 👋

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