team 3

193 7 0

with miss chalice and spectre

captain briny beard, sally stage play,dr Kahl (he left his robot at home) and T-bone

while the other two teams were meeting up in the most unusual way the last team was getting the last of supplies which were...

"TOYS" stated spectre in miss chalices arms, wiggling his arms and making floating eyes look at the display window 

"yes now stop squirming and get your eyes back here or we are not going in," said chalice in a playful but stern voice making spectre stop instantly 

yes, the only thing left to buy was the entertainment, cuphead made it a quite important task (mainly because he just wanted to embarrass them more) 

although spectre didn't want to admit it, he was excited, he wasn't known as the baby of the phantom express for no reason, and this new experience just made it even more true

"ay, the boy wants what the heart desires" proclaimed briny beard as they entered the shop 

"yeah he's always been like this, especially when he first joined the express" T-bone sighed with a smile 

"what do you mean" sally stage said 

"well..." T-bone was trying to explain before miss chalice came out and asked 

"Are you two coming in or what" Dr Khal asked holding a pink teddy 

"yeah we're coming....I'll talk about it later," T-bone said as he entered the shop 

inside was a bright and colourful little shop filled with toys and teddies of all shapes and sizes 

the team got one toy for each baby 

for Hilda a pillow-like cloud plushie

for Cagney a white a red-spotted mushroom plushie 

for Cala, they found a sequined pink seashell plushie

for dice a purple bowtie plush 

 for spectre a blue and purple train like plushie 

and for Werner a brown and black bomb plushy with a skull on it 

through all of this spectre felt like a ragdoll not being able to do anything and was beginning to become bored

the team was going to play when spectre whined 

" can I explore? I promise I won't fly of" 

holding his hands in plea and trying his best at the baby's eyes 

"I...uhh...well...if your..." stuttered chalice almost letting him win only to be stopped by T-bone bony hand 

"spectre you can't be trusted, also we have to meet the others in about 5 minutes 

this only made spectre sink back into chalices arms 

as the others made their way out they were met with cuphead running down the mall street 

"cuphead" questioned dr Khal

that is when spectre noticed his moment 

miss chalices arms had released slightly and made them vulnerable to vigorous movement 

which indeed happened 

spectre broke free and began chasing cuphead as if it was a game 

"WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" yelled spectre 

"SPECTRE COME BACK" yelled chalice as she began flying behind him

and so the chase began 

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