"Im Ashley." She says softly, placing her supplies in her locker.

"So, can I haz your schedule plz?" I say.

"Yes you canz." She giggles, grabbing her schedule.

I examine it and smile.

"What? Is the class far or something?" She says, closing her locker.

"No. Its actually the same class I have." I say, looking down at her.

She smiles and blushes. "Great! I-I mean its convenient for you."

"Yup. So lez go!" I say, grabbing her hand without really acknowledging it.

"Hah! Mitch!" She laughs as we run through the hallway, hand in hand.

We approach my math class and I burst through the door, grabbing the entire classes attention.

"Mitchell Hughes! Detention this time for sure." My math teacher spoke, heading to her desk to grab the slips.

"I can explain." I say, but she cuts me off.

"I dont want to hear it Mitch. Too many times have I heard your dumb excuses." She said, writing my name on the slip.


"No buts, you are in big trouble young man. Im calling your par-" She begins.

"Hold on!" Ashley burst out.

My teacher lifted her head and stared down Ashley.

"Um..M-Mitch was helping me get to this class. I made him late because I was messing with his locker cuz I thought it was mine and then he saw that we had the same classes so he just helped lead me here..." She spoke softly, blushing a bright red.

"...Ashley Marie Surcombe I presume?" My teacher said.

Ashley nodded as she clutched my hand tighter.

My teacher saw this and smirked.

"Take your seats you two. No detention....this time." She warned.

I looked down at Ashley and smiled, making her smile back.

The rest of the day had passed by rather fast. Me and Ashley had little chats after every period at our lockers, and she wouldn't allow me to be late to another class, even if she had no idea where she was going.

The final bell had rung, and everyone was heading to the buses.

"So Ill see you tomorrow Mitch?" Ashley said, pulling her backpack over her shoulder.

"Of course Ash." I say to her, pulling my backpack on as well.

"Ash?" She giggled as we began walking outside.

"You know..short for Ashley..I mean if you want me to call you that." I say.

She nods and smiles softly. "You can, as long as I get to call you Mitchy." She smirks up at me.

"Deal." I chuckle.

I stop walking and she notices this.

"Can I..get your number..so you know, I can find out what morning classes you have and stuff." I say.

"Sure." She says sweetly and I hand her my phone, letting her put in her number.

"Ashley sweety!" We hear, and I look up to see a woman waving at us from a car.

"Coming!" Ashley says, as she starts walking away.

She turns back and waves at me, giving me a faint smile with blush on her cheeks.

I wave back and see her get in her car, driving away.

I look down and see she had put "Ash <3" as her contact name. I smiled and began walking to my bus.


"So then maybe I was thinking.." Jerome began on skype , when suddenly my phone had buzzed.

I looked down to see Ashley had texted me.

"H-hold on Jerome." I say, holding up my finger to my screen.

"Who is that?" Jerome said.

"No one.." I say, blushing.

"........HOLY SHIT MITCH YOU ACTUALLY LIKE SOMEONE." Jerome yelled, causing me to jump.

"Shut up.." I say to him.

"Is she pretty?" Jerome said, winking at me.

"Shes beautiful dood. Shes got the softest hair I've ever seen..and she has these really big brown eyes..and she has the cutest smile.." I sigh to myself, thinking about when we held hands in the hallway.

"Man you are whipped." Jerome said mocking me.

"Im not whipped, I'm in love." I say mocking Jerome.

"...Mitch.." Jerome said with a smug grin.

My eyes widen and I look up from my phone. I just said the L word.

"Well shit..." I say, and Jerome just laughs at me.

(HAHA I DO DAT. For some reason I really like making ash-baby a new student. Eh. Anywhos. lemme know what other one shots you want me to do. And maybe go give my instagram @thefrogfanart a follow so you can give me suggestions on drawings! Also I'm uhhh..a little inspired to wright some mashley smut. Hehehehe tell me what you think lol no judg pls. Much love <3 rose is outie 5000)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2014 ⏰

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