Chapter 4: Andrew

Start from the beginning

"Well don't you clean up nice." I turn around to find an Sapphira peeking her head through my half open door.

"Thanks Saph but I already know." I tell her and smirk, staring at myself in the mirror. She walks further into my room and leans against the bed frame.

"My brother is waiting for you. He says you better hurry you're ass up or he'll take your place." She laughs a little because she know Zeke couldn't take my place if he tried. Yes the kid is faster than me but last time he went out to recruit Zeke nearly killed the other kid and now Jet won't let him go out again. "His words, not mine." Sapphira defends herself as she reads my face expression. She quickly leaves the room with her long black hair swinging behind her. She is one of those kids who is always happy even though she's been through hell just like the rest of us here in the hideaway. She's just a very tuff but positive fifteen year old girl who sees the best in people and I love her for that.

Currently, I'm seated at the subway station on 59th street. It's almost vacant which is reasonable considering subways are public transportation and no one in Manhattan use public facilities. I wouldn't call Jet a stalker for finding her location, I'd just like to think of him as a good researcher. Back at the hideaway, it the tech room, Jet, Zeke and Saph are checking my location and Maia's through her cell phone signal. Saph texted the girl using Colton's number, tell her to meet "Colton" here at the subway station at 8 pm.

A young girl shows up with a face matching the picture sent to me. My eyes widen at how much prettier she is in person. Her hair is tied back in a high ponytail. She wears a Harvard University sweatshirt that hangs off her body and light jeans. Rich people and their prestigious schooling. I mentally roll my eyes. Maia's eyes search the nearly empty station. She finally gives up and takes a seat a few benches down from me. Her phone is taken out of her pocket and before she can send a message to Colt, I finally approach her.

"Hey, Maia. Right?" I say, causing her to look up, startled.

"Uh. Do I know you?" She asks.

"Drew," I stretch out my hand for her to shake, "and no, I don't think we've met. It's a shame." I give her a charming smile and hear Zeke laughing through my earpiece. I forgot that they were listening to the whole thing.

"Okay..." She draws out the pronunciation of every single letter.

"You think you're crazy don't you?" I ask her. Might as well be straight forward. Maia is take aback and begins to protest but I quickly cut her off. "I don't think you're crazy if that means anything. The things you can do are gifts not curses." I tell her.

"What are you talking about. You don't know me. Just please leave me alone." She jumps out of her chair and starts walking backwards to keep distance from me.

"Aw, come on Maia. I'm honestly just trying to help you." She continues to back away and I know I won't be able to get through to her the easy way. "I wanted to do this the easiest way possible but I guess that won't happen."

"Dude you sound like a rapist." Sapphira's voice fills my left ear and I can't help from smiling. I close my eyes and teleport right in front of Maia who was running in the opposite direction.

"How did you...Please just leave me alone!"

"It's called teleporting. I thought you we're supposed to be one of the smart ones." Suddenly a loud ear piercing voice fills my head and it's not from the earpiece.

Andrew, you better not hurt her. Just bring her here, now! The voice tells me.

"We'll Colt, it's nice of you to finally join the party." I say out loud, without thinking. Maia looks at me, like I'm some crazy person. "I'm not crazy, sweetheart. I'm actually having a conversation with someone in here." I tell her as I point to my brain before realizing how even more crazy that sounded.

Drew I'm not joking! Colton's voice goes off again but I just ignore it. I'm not a bad guy, I just like to have fun every once in a while. I see Maia trying to secretly text someone and I put out my hand and think a little harder and the phone flies into my hand immediately. Her face turns as pale as a ghost and her big hazel eyes become even larger.

"I'm just like you. There's more of us just like you. If you come with me, Maia, I can show you. Trust me."

"You're insane to think I'd trust you." She begins to back away again and I take a step forward and grab her shoulder as she begins to attempt to fight me off.

"God you're so stubborn." I say and close my eyes and picture the tech room in the hideaway. In less than a second, we're both there, standing in the tech room with four other people. I look at Maia as her face turns from absolute horror to being stunned. Her eyes grow bigger then they already are, if that's even possible, as soon as she sees Colton standing in the room with a scowl.

"Colton." Maia whispers in disbelief as he runs towards her. She buries her light brown hair into Colt's gray cardigan. He holds her head and whispers something in her ear. After a few moments Colton turns around and runs at me, forcing my back against the ivory colored wall. His forearm is pressed against my throat, choking me.

"You couldn't have given me one more day?" Colton yells in my face. I hear Sapphira's voice telling us to knock it off but we both ignore her. Colton is strong but he is only a savvy. I'm much stronger. I push his body off me, causing Colt to stumble a few steps back but he keeps himself from falling to the floor.

"Colt, chill out! She's here alright." I wave my arms in Maia's direction. "Now just go hug her again or something." I yell at him across the room. I switch to mental communication. Don't pick a fight that you can't win. I tell him through thought. I should have chosen my words more carefully. On the outside, Colton seems like a very happy and optimistic guy but deep inside, he buries the fear of defeat. He needs to be right. He can't be told that he can't win or else he'll try to prove you wrong.

Stop. Getting. In. My. Head. Colton's voice screams in my mind then suddenly my head is spinning. My mind tries to fight back but Colton's power is to strong. I fall to my knees and one of my left hand cradles part of my head.

"You might be physically stronger but I'll always be mentally stronger than you." This time he says it out loud, but the ear piercing headache continues. I raise my hand and slice it through the air, throwing a chair across the room at Colton, only missing him by an inch or two.

"ENOUGH!" A booming voice shakes the room and Colton releases my mind. I'm breathing heavy now. It takes so much effort for my chest to rise and come down again. Jet walks into the room and helps me up but a scowl is firmly placed on his face. "I leave the room for two minutes and you two idiots are practically killing each other. You don't use your powers against one another! Do you hear me?" I feel like a child, being scolded by his father. So small and powerless. Jet's our leader and the eldest but he acts like our dad when in reality he's only three years older then me. Jet then turns around to face Maia who is currently sitting on the floor, obviously still shocked.

"Maia, isn't it?" Jet asks as he makes his way towards her. She nods, intimidated by his overall aura. "My name's Jet. Welcome to the hideaway."

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