Killmonger- Reckoning x2 [Part 2]

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Ok i'm sorry this took so long but here it is and then I will put up T'Challa's secretary part three, the smut and wedding but for right not here's part two of Reckoning


Previously- T'Challa was coming closer to me "and you, something about you feeling familiar" I glare at him "well I would hope so" he turned back and sat on the throne and looked at the ring "I accept your challenge" I turned to Erik and smirked and he smirked back 'this plan is working out perfectly'.

T'Challa waved the guards to me so I glared at him until Erik spoke up "she's coming with me" I ripped my arms from the guards while some more came to us and guided us out so I sighed "you sure you want to do this" he smiled "don't worry i'll be fine, I know you don't like him but I can take him knowing i'll have you" I smirk "good" The guards took us to warrior falls which I frowned at. Me and my sister would sometimes come here and pay around it may sound dangerous but we had our powers so it's didn't matter to us.

 Erik looked at me from his battle spot so I smiled and mouthed 'knock him on his ass' he chuckled nodding, the challenge egan and they were evenly matched but then T'Challa got a hit on him which worried me but I held it together.

Erik gained the lead I was enjoying seeing T'Challa pay for killing my sister, the battle ended with Erik throwing him over the falls, screams, ans terrified faces which I rolled my eyes at. A lady came up to him and put the Black panther necklace on him the rest of them did their Wakanda Forever thing so I walked down into the water and wrapped my arms around his shoulders "great job handsome, how about we take this celebration somewhere else after you become my panther" he wrapped his arms around my waist "gladly my queen".

Time Skip

They had taken us to the temple and he had gone through the whole ritual while he was in the dream land for awhile he got up after a while and looked angry so I ran up to him and caressed him check "calm down" he nodded and calmed down a it before going to his demanding state while may I say was quiet hot "the Heart shaped herb did that". 

I smirked as she nodded "yes, so when it comes time for another king we will be ready" I looked down 'she shouldn't have said that' "another king" she nodded again with a confused face "yeah go ahead and burn all that" she tried to reason which I rolled my eyes at "my king we can not do that". Erik looked piss so I smirked feeling turned on already "it is our tradition-" he grasped her neck and lifted up up so I yawned while the others looked at me scared "when I tell you to do sometime I mean that shit" he dropped her to the floor.

"You heard your king, Burn it" they all got to work so everything went up in flames while I pulled at his hand and pulled him out and to the lab so he could get his suit they all looked scared as soon as we walked in but we both ignored them and I gave him the golden necklace putting it around him "now you officially look like a king" he smirked and wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me to the throne room once we walked in he sat down on his throne looking quiet calm so I smirked he pulled my hand so I sat in his lap I curled up in his lap while he went through the plans with all the elders but I turned most of it out.

I didn't start listing till the end, I was too busy focusing on how to play out tonight. I smirked at the thought biting my lip I looked back up "this time the world gonna start over and this time where on top, the sun will never set on the Wakandan empire" I smiled at this then bit my lip while the rest of the meeting went along until it ended.  

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