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In a lot of reader inserts, the protagonist (you) is described in enough ways to tell that we are more the lone wolf  type.

1. Saying No

If I see in every book that the end to a story is us sinking into a kiss just to say yes and live happily with whoever it tends to wear off. It gets easy to skip chunks of a page because you're reading the basic to very similar elements. I see some parts in reader x various books where sometimes the reader themselves reject the idea of dating the person who is trying to comfort and this can bring the loner vibe in how if you're all alone dealing with some problem you would prefer to deal with it yourself instead of relying on a relationship to figure everything out. At least that's how some see it hopefully....

2. Focusing on what's ahead

There's this repeating starter in a story about how the protagonist has this terrible past leading him into supposedly becoming the next badass in a series. Now I don't hate nor disapprove of stuff like this but I feel if we keep looking back at our past then what's to expect from us to ever make a critical decision? So we just murder every person out of vengeance or the fear of being hurt because that's what happened before where we are now? This is ultimately what changes the story a lot.

3. Morality

What some authors don't think about too much is that in general you wouldn't want to do something out of hatred or anger from said added conflict. If it looks clear that the protagonist is doing what he wants out if revenge towards whoever then what are the chances he won't be easy to manipulate? Most enemies from games and shows (including anime! Mah gawwwwwddd!) will always use your anger against you turning what you normally are able to separate as two separate stories into one big massive cause and effect. Once a good well known person goes rogue because he's been told into believing that his life is now hard to maintain because of someone he remembers cheating on him years back or maybe the child grows up believing that everything bad in their life that happens is from their "forever lasting hatred towards their family including their siblings for ruining their childhood" and so on.


A/N: You're free to give your opinions and feedback.


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