Freedom Fighters

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A/N: This is a test chapter. Consider this a sort of testing the waters, took a lot of courage to post and I have other drabbles and stories for this and others in mind. Keep in mind that I am not following the plot of BMFM exactly and will take some liberties. If you like this and want more, please let me know and hopefully I'll have the guts to post more! Y'all stay safe ♡

The almost silent sound of worn out boots hitting metal echoed through the empty halls of the ship, quick as the feline woman made her way to her destination, her long, brown knotted hair barely moving in the half attempted bun it was in. Her large ears suddenly perked and she slipped out of sight, both turned to listen to the conversation in the room to her right.

"You seem tense, buddy. Need a massage?" "Shut up, mouse." Recognizing the guard's voice, the feline felt her blood begin to boil. That was the guard that took her mother out of their cell three days ago to god knows where, claiming to need information. The urge to come out of hiding and beat the man was almost too strong to ignore, but with a deep breath she managed to stand her ground and catch the guard speak to his partner, "They will talk eventually. Leave them. No food. No water." "Yes, sir."

The metalic door to the room they were in slid open, causing the girl to press herself more against the wall and peek around the corner, watching until the two men were out of sight, and the sound of their footsteps faded. Quickly, she ran into the room they were just in, pressing a code she had seen the guards use into the pad by the door as soon as it was shut, locking it from the inside. As she did, she could feel three pairs of eyes staring her down before a deep voice called out, "Never seen you around."

Turning, her eyes locked onto the grey mouse who had spoken to her, noting how they were all bound. Limbs and tails bound as far away from each other as they could be, unable to move, the grey mouse missing an arm. She had heard of these mice, something about them being freedom fighters, looking to end the war that she herself had been trying to run away from with her mother before they were accused of being traitors working for the enemy, and taken in for questioning about a month or two ago. It seemed that they would never get out, until she heard the guards gossiping to each other about these mice being in custody, the mentioning of their bikes being what tipped her off on who exactly they were. It caused the gears in her head to turn, a plan to escape coming into formation. She couldn't escape on her own against so many guards while still protecting her elder mother. But with these mice, and their reputation, she felt a glimmer of hope.

She hurried over to them, speaking in a hushed tone, "Quiet down. These walls may be metal but you would be surprised how easily we can be heard. I need your help." She brushed her knotted blonde hair out of her face and started observing to equipment they were strapped in. The tan mouse spoke next, copying her tone, "You're a cat, lady. What makes you think we will help you?"

"Because I am on your side." She went to him, taking a hair pin out of one of the rat nests on her head, bending it before working with the restraint on his arm. For such advanced technology, she had come to realize that it had some flaws that made them easily accessible with even the most simple of makeshift tools. "I hate this war, and I hate these men and women. Mama and I were trying to escape to neutral ground when we were kidnapped and accused of treason. We have been here for almost two months." She looked at him, "Even if I was your enemy, do I really look like I could take any of you in a fight?" She questioned and let him eye her from behind his sunglasses, "And where is your mother?" He frowned when the girl hesitated in her movements before looking away from him to her hands, continuing, "That's part of why I need your help."

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