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Homura was already waiting for him when Dr. Strange stepped from a portal into a side street. She was wearing her magical girl costume, her shield primed and ready. "So where do we find Kyoko?"

"A church a few miles away from here, I'd presume. I've never actually been there." She reached into her shield and pulled out a map, which she handed to him. He scanned it. One building in a nearby city was circled in red, labeled with a set of characters he assumed were Kyoko's name.

"Is this the place?" She nodded. He raised his hands and slipped on his Sling Ring. Spinning his hands, he forced open a portal. On the other side were the shattered windows of a long-abandoned church. She tossed her hair over her shoulder and stepped through, and he followed.

"Who the hell are you, and why should I not kill you right now?" He spun around. Behind him was a red-haired girl with a spear aimed firmly at his chest. She was clearly a magical girl, judging by the costume she was wearing.

"I assume you are Kyoko Sakura?"

"What's it to you?" He glanced at Homura.

"My name is Homura Akemi. This is Doctor Strange. We are here because we need your help. Walpurgisnacht is coming to Mitakihara City, and, as it stands, those of us there cannot win. There are only two magical girls, Mami Tomoe and I, as well as Doctor Strange. We are not enough to defeat Walpurgisnacht."

"And why exactly should I help you?" Her stance deepened. With a twist, she was holding a second spear, this one aimed directly at Homura, who was reaching into her shield. He put his hand on her arm; he may not know Kyoko well, but he assumed pulling a gun was not going to improve anything. She pulled something small out of her shield and threw it. He tensed. It glinted red in the filtered light. Kyoko gasped and dove for it.

"No!" he shouted. Whatever it was, it was likely an explosive. Kyoko's fingers closed around it, and she held it up.

"How could you? Didn't anyone ever tell you not to waste food?" Food? He finally recognized what she'd thrown: an apple. Kyoko took a bite.

"Well, Kyoko, how about this? I'll provide you with food, in exchange for your help," Homura offered.

"Fine. But I get to dictate what kind of food, and you supply grief seeds if I need more than I would if I weren't helping you." Homura nodded.

"Deal." She turned around. "Doctor Strange?" He nodded and opened another portal.

"By the way, how's ol' Mami doing?" Kyoko asked. He was confused; did she know Mami somehow?

Homura almost smiled. "She's doing well, although we did have to save her from a witch a week ago." She tossed her hair and stepped through the portal.

"Thank you, Kyoko," he said as he followed her. "It seems as though that went well."

"It did. It is interesting, however; Kyoko still cares about Mami."

"So, what is our next step? Do you have any ideas?"

"I believe the next step would be to get all us together at some point."

"I'll plan for it."

"Thank you."

"I'll send you home?" She nodded. He opened a portal and she ran through. Instead of going home, however, she walked to Mami's apartment. She climbed the flights of stairs and rapped on the door. Mami opened it, and with a gesture, invited her in.

"How can I help you, Akemi-san?" she asked as she handed her a plate of cake.

"Thank you. As for business, Walpurgisnacht is coming. I'm putting together a team to fight her when she arrives; I need to be sure you'll be on it."

"Of course. How could I not be?"

"Thank you. I will be in touch." Homura rose to her feet and bowed. With a tap of her shield, she ran. Now her team was assembled, and preparations could begin.

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