"You're fragile" Rk900 x reader

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~~Your pov~~

Me and nines were at a crime scene. We were looking for a robbery that a deviant did. Deviants were much more accepted but they had more strict laws, but it is what it is, I guess.

Nines was investigating the area. (licking blue blood)

Gavin and Hank were bickering back and forth.

I walk over to Nines.

"Nines, I need you here for a minute" I say.

He looks up from what he was doing, and stares at me intently with his beautiful icy grey eyes.

He is still working on the basics of being a deviant.

No one else knows about him being a deviant, except for me...obviously.

"Yes detective?"

"Doesn't this door look a little suspicious, it's the only door that ha-"

Then all hell broke loose.

The robber busted through the door and almost ran over me if it wasn't for Nines grabbing me and holding me close.

Once he ran out the front door, I broke from nines and started running after him.

He jumped out the window making clear shards fall backwards and some probably hit me, but my adrenaline was too high for me to notice.

He ran out on the streets so I do a quick calculation and turn around and run out the back door to cut him off.

"Y/n wait!" A deep voice called.

I ran as fast as I could, jumping over fences and hopping around trash cans. My legs screamed to stop but my mind said keep going.

He was running and ran into an ally.

I cut him off and pull out my gun.

"Don't. Fucking. move" I say breathing hard.

The deviant raised both hands, it's LED turning bright red.

Nines and Connor both arrived.

Nines grabbed me and dragged me to the car.


Nines took me home before I could even say no.

He looked really pissed.

"Y/n" he said with his extremely deep voice,
His voice sounded bitter
But worried??


He took a breath and then started yelling.

"What were you thinking! You could have been hurt or worse!"

I tilt my head to the side.

He walks over to me and picks me up, catching me by surprise and causing a small yelp to come from my throat.

He puts me on the counter and walks to grab something.

The cut on my face started hurting, but I didn't say anything.

He came back with stuff.

He puts something on a rag.

"This might hurt" Nines said softy.

He puts the rag on my cut, making me jump. He jerked back then slowly put it back on.

After he got it cleaned he put a bandaids on it.

"You shouldn't have done that y/n" he says.

I look at my feet.

"Well, I was just trying to do my job" I mumbled

"I know, but it was very stupid of you to do that, your a human and a serious injury takes a immense time to recover"

"I can take some pain, it was just a cut" I say still looking at my feet that now were swinging off the counter.

He got closer to me and put his cold hand on my cheek and lifted my head.

He rubs his thumb on my jawline softly, like if he made one wrong move I would break.

"Nines I-"

"You're fragile" he said searching my eyes.

"I am easily replaceable, you are not, and-" he stopped, looking away from me.

"I-I can't lose you y/n" he started sadly, "you're the only one who understands me, you've helped me become me and I really care about you"

I stared tearing up slightly, I enveloped my arms around his neck and wrapped my legs around his waist.

He tensed at first then relaxed returning the embrace.

I pull back, he was still holding me up bym my butt.

I look at his icy blue eyes. His stray hairs covered his right eye. I took my fingers and swipe the stray hair away.

His gaze flickered from my eyes to my lips.

I took my hands and put them on his cheeks and slowly kissed him.

It was better than I ever thought it would be.

But after a while I had to breathe so I reluctantly took my lips off his cold ones.

I giggled slightly and he smiled softly.

This was the first time I saw him smile.

"I love you y/n, more than you can even imagine" he says sweetly.

"I love you too Nines"

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