Part 2

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As soon as I saw this mystery man set atop his journey, I became increasingly curious as to where he would go. So I made a note of the direction he has gone (north), and quickly headed home to prepare myself.
As soon as I got home I set up a bag with some snacks and water and picked up my motorbike.
I figured that if the man was heading somewhere pointless I would just end up going to the valley as a backup plan. I placed my stuff on my bike and yelled a goodbye to my family.

- Later -

It was about 2 hours later, and I was taking momentary breaks every 30 minutes or so to catch my breath. I hadn't made too much progress to the north, but I did find tracks. Mule tracks, which presumably belonged to his mule. I used them as guide to continue north.

- Even Later -

It was about 4 hours later. I took a break every hour, since I felt like I needed to pick up the pace. I noticed gradual change in scenery too, with more Truffula trees popping up. And then I saw it, a giant tent/house, pegged to the ground. Next to it was a tall skinny stump of a tree with the remaining carcass laying next to it.
The door on the front of the tent burst open as I hid behind the back of the tent house. I made sure to keep as quiet as possible, I didn't really want him to know that I was following him.
He started to pick at the tufts of the tree laying on the ground, and tossing them into a bag. It seems like he would keep at this task for awhile, so if I should introduce myself I should do it now. It took me some time to decide if I should just stay hidden, but I figured I shouldn't.
I hopped onto my bike behind the house, and rode to it to his location.

"What's up you skinny lil bitch"
I yelled out
"Ouch, I'm on a diet where my fat contributes to making me grow vertically. But judging by that comment it looks like it's working, at least. Anyway, what are you even doing here, like i didn't even see you riding your bike here or anything."

"Well, I must've taken a different path to you."
I managed to mutter out

"Well it's getting kind of late, it was nice to meet you.... I guess."

I waved a meek goodbye and made my own tent, a couple of yards away from his.

Grammy Norma x The Once-lerWhere stories live. Discover now