Part 1

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Before air had begun to be bottled due to horrible circumstances, I was a teenager
My name is Norma, Norma Wiggins. Had I been born later this story would be a much less bittersweet one.
This story however, does take place around a incredibly important event. When I was born there were trees, Truffula Trees. These trees had the softest of tufts, which felt like silk and smelt of butterfly milk. Trees were something that people took for granted, nobody ever saw how much they were needed, they were soon to find out.
I had lived in a peaceful neighborhood, trees littered the area and plants were in pots around every street corner. There were plenty of shops and stores. It was a quaint little town.
Quite near the town lie two things, that would soon become very important, a singular home and a vast valley of trees. The valley was about a days travel away while the single house was about a 10 minutes walk. The house was still very solitary. I would often take trips to the valley on the weekends, just to see the beautiful trees and to feel their soft tufts.
On one of my journeys to the valley of trees I noticed a man standing outside of the single solitary house. The man was a rather tall man and he seemed to be yelling at a group of other individuals, including a small shorter woman, an even shorter man as well as two identical figures. If I had to guess they were all family. I noticed a large cart with a mule attached to the cart, which happened to be filled with boxes.
The tall man yelled a final remark at his family before sitting atop the mule and starting his journey.

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