Chapter 1: Worrying Thoughts

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 'Oh no. please, god no!' he thought were in a frenzied state as he continued to barrel towards where the noise came from.

Reaching his destination he was horrified to see what had transpired; There laid Clarice in a bloodied state. Just by glancing at her anyone could tell her limbs were dislocated and broken. Bending down, he checked her pulse and breathed a sigh of relief after discovering she was still breathing-- faintly breathing. Swiftly, he pulled out his phone and dialed the ambulance.

  While calling the ambulance, he's gaze shifted towards the flip over car that he never noticed on arrival; the car lay on the other side of the desolated road, smoke spewing out of the engine.

'Crap!' he thought running over towards the car to make sure nobody else was injured. Fortunately, no one was, but that was mainly due to the fact that the car was unoccupied.

"The hell.." he muttered out in befuddlement.; not focusing to much on this, he went back to his girlfriend's side as flashing lights of the ambulance started to show in the distance. The red van finally pulled up alongside the road, two men instantly jumping out after noticing the situation.

"What happen tonight?" the EMT questioned checking the girl to make sure she had a pulse.

"I-i don't know. We were just walking home from a party and she just started to spaz out. I tried to get her to calm down, but that seemed to only make it worse. She ran off and all I heard were tires screeching in the distance..." he explained in a hurried state watching as they put his girlfriend on a gurney. "I should've been there--here! I could've stopped her..." he muttered under his breath sadly as his thoughts were eating him alive.

"There's no one in here Jerry!" one of the other paramedics called out after checking out the crashed car. " should we call it in to get towed?" the same paramedic question now reaching the main road.

"Yea, just report it back to base-- they'll figure out what to do with it." the head EMT stated, turning back to the sadden man to his side, he tried to comfort him. " hey kid, she'll be alright. Luckily, the car didn't do as worse as it could." he sooth patting him on the back, only receiving a nod in response.

"You gonna ride with her to the hospital?" one of the paramedics aiding Clarice asked holding one of the van doors open.

"Uhh...y-yea" he replied snapping out of his thoughts. Jumping in the back seat he placed himself right next to the girl's head; grasping her hands into his own for comfort, he leaned his head back onto the cold metal wall of the van and closed his eyes.

"...s.....sir....SIR!!" he awoke from his restless sleep as he felt his arm being shook as someone screamed in his ear. "Wh-what happened?" he questioned still startled.

"We're at the hospital. Your girlfriend is being rolled up to ER as we speak." the paramedic stated as he helped the younger male out of the van. "They'll probably need you to sign some papers, until they gain contact with her family."

  " uhh..y-yea i can do that... is she gonna be okay..?" he trailed off still having negative thoughts penetrate his mind.

"We don't know all of that sir, only the doctor does...i'm sorry." another paramedic said now leading the male to the front desk. "I'm sure she'll be fine, her condition seemed pretty stable considering she was hit with a car in all." were the paramedics last parting words as he went back to properly park the ambulance.

Walking towards the desk slowly, he was greeted by the front desk lady, "Hello, what can I help you with today?" she questioned taking a pause from her typing to look at the tired male.

"Yea, hi..uh my girlfriend was just taken into ER and ... I was told I'd probably have to sign some...papers?" he said trying to remember what the paramedic said. The women returned to her typing to check for any new patients.

"Is her name... Clarice?" the secretary asked looking up at the male, receiving a nod. "Oh, i'm so sorry that happened to the both of you." she responded after reading further detail about Clarice. Turning her chair, she search for the needed papers to hand the male.

"Okay, what was your name again sir?" she inquired, getting a pen ready. "Aaron Barclay"

"Alright, all you have to do is sign the highlighted portions and then her family can fill out the rest." she replied handing him a clipboard and pen. " you can sit anywhere in the waiting room, and when you're done just let me know." she concluded, pointing him towards the waiting room and continuing on with her previous activity.   

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