Chapter 19- Clancy

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Maybe I can always blame Tyler for what happened. That could always work for me—it had worked before. I can still feel this hole inside of me, from the physical marks on my body of the Bishops claiming me, to the emotional pain that Tyler has caused me. I hope he is in as much pain as I am. But then again, it's all traced back to the Bishops. Nico, wasn't Tyler who did it. It was that monster inside of him he whispered and sobbed about at night to me.
Rain is falling extra hard tonight in Trench. I thought I heard a soft melody through each raindrop, a voice, or voices, chanting words that are empty to me. "Sahlo Folina". I have no clue what it means; but I'm sure the definition will reveal itself to me in time.
I saw the Bishops lurking throughout Trench tonight; and I hid in the only cave I could find. There was a single aflame torch lying on the ground of the cave, along with some burned tents. I didn't want it to burn, so I got the fire out with some of my stream water.
I'm running low on supplies. In a way, I miss the constant fear of Dema. At least then I knew what was coming.
Now? Anything is possible. The dawn of a new day is on the tip of the horizon, I can tell. I'm forgetting things. I've been forgetting Tyler in a way. I've had to read my older entries to remember my old friends.
I had almost forgotten about Josh. But how could I forget, after what he did? I don't know..he didn't do it either. Again, the Bishops. Again, the monster inside him. Josh and Tyler are very similar. I hope they find one another.
But if they find each other, the chances of them surviving are more slim than going it alone.
Cover me.

A/n: two updates for this in one day? What is it, Tyler Joseph's birthday? :')
30 years old. I'm so proud I'm in tears.
Enjoy this second update today lol

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