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"Upload Success"

I just posted my first ever song that I wrote on Youtube.

The song's about self-worth and for people who's struggling with low self-esteem.
I made this song based on how I truly feel and how I should feel inside.

The chorus was my favorite part.

every cut, every bruise i know

are making me beautiful

even battles i fight and i lose

are making me beautiful

so, even if you try to break me

or even throw those hateful words

I know they're making me beautiful
I love myself with all the scars I have
Because nothing's more powerful
than your love to yourself

I feel really proud on making my first song after all the things that's happened to me.

My mom kicked me out of the house.
I got a job as a barista in a small cafe and I got to live there for a while.

After a couple of months, I finally bought a cheap small apartment and bought many recording materials for making music.

I lost so many weights after working and I rarely eat because I'm broke and I need to save up the money.

After finished uploading, I exited youtube and turned off my laptop. I make my way to the bathroom to dress up for work.

"Hey, (Y/n)!"
I got greeted by my co-workers when I arrived at the cafe. I greeted them back and put on my work outfit.

I prepared some of what people have ordered and I don't know why people started whispering after looking at me and taking pictures of me. I looked at one of them and they looked surprised as they got found out by me.

I was switching parts with my co-workers so I'll be on the cashier for an hour or two.
Suddenly, people started gathering in the cashier.

"OMG! You must be (Y/n)!"

"I saw your Youtube video!! I love your song!"

"Your song relates to my life so much!!"

"Can I take a picture with you?"

I mean, WOW.

I can't believe it.

Jimin, My co-worker stood up for me and saved me from all of the crowds. I was too overwhelmed to even react over what happened.

I walked to the back of the cafe and tried to make sure that all that just happened wasn't a dream.

I opened my youtube channel on my phone for a while and holy mother of bears.

It already got millions of views and hundred thousands of likes even though I just posted it a few hours ago.

"Wow. I can't believe this is actually happening." I said to myself as I placed my hand to my forehead.

I'm jungshook.

"Hey, (Y/n). I just watched your video on youtube. Wow. You actually wrote that? That's freaking amazing." Said Lucas, My other co-worker.

I looked at him and gave him a nervous smile. "Is this really happening?" I asked to him.

"Yeah, (Y/n). You're amazing. Your dreams have finally come true!" He said as he genuinely smiled at me. I'm still overwhelmed by everything.

I went back to the cafe and saw there was so many people outside asking if they can meet me and actually see me in person.

I went to the small stage in the cafe and sang the song that I wrote to all of the people there. Some of them are looking at me with an impressed face and most of them are recording me with their phones.

After the song has finally ended, I heard so many people clapped and cheered for me.

"Hi, everyone. I just wanted to say how overwhelmed I am seeing so many people actually liked my song and asked me to sing this live. This is the first time that I actually felt so happy. Thank you so much for listening to my song or even downloading it. That means a lot for me. Thank you."
I cried after saying the last sentence.

"(Y/N)! Who inspired you to write such beautiful songs?" One of the audiences asked.

"Well actually, I wrote it based on my life and how I struggle to survive all of the mess in my life. But, if you're asking who, It would be this amazing boy group that I've looked up for a long time. They wrote songs that I always listen when I'm down and when I need inspiration to write songs."

"(Y/n)! Is it because one of the members your boyfriend?" One of the audiences asked again.

"Wh- No! Hahaha Of course not. They're an artist, and They don't know me either. But, I wish I could meet them in person and say thank you properly to them." I explained as I gave them a genuine smile.

"(Y/n), Who's this group that you've been looking up to?"

"Stray Kids."


Hello, peeps!

Just wanted to say that sorry about the lyrics I wrote, I know it's bad T-T

But, I promise things will get better 💜


Don't be a silent reader please ~

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