"Awww, so my heart beat gets your love?!"


I hold on my breath and breath out. Coughing so he looks up.

"You love that tiny thing of me but not me?!"

"Never said that.."

I shake my head and try to be serious but that little dork is making it not easy. Giggling like a little school girl.

"I love you, Harry. More than I ever did any one else!"

"Love you more, Louis."

He kisses my nose softly. A little knock and a "Breakfast here" stops us. Harry stands up and gets it. He thanks her and closes the door. He comes to me with silver colored tablet. On it are a tea and some bread with butter. I pout.

"When it is going on with that diet I'm gonna starve!! I want ham and eggs!!"

"I will make you some ham and eggs when we are at home, ok!?"

"But that will be in like a century!! Harry!! I'm fucking starving!!"

"That's going to be in not more than two weeks, okay!? Calm down!! I will get you something today while you have your check-ups! "

I smile and kiss his cheek.

"Okay. "

"But first you have to eat it!"

I sigh and eat that bread and drink the tea. Not much later the doctor knocks again, saying that "he's ready ". Harry unlocks the door and the doctor and two nurses coming in. They get my bed and bring me to the checkups.

Harry PoV

No kiss. He went to the checkup without giving me a kiss! I pout a little before I leave the hospital. I have to get out. I don't really know anymore how long the checkups will take so I'll return to the hospital in two or three hours, just in case. The first place where I'm heading to is to Niall.

I knock on his door and all three lads are hugging me immediately.


I smile at them and entry the house.

"Where's Louis!? Since when do YOU leave your 'baby' alone?!"

I give Liam the darkest look like I'd like to kill him but smile at him after a few seconds.

"He has some checkups where I'm not allowed to be and I thought I needed to go out of the hospital. Plus I need to get Louis something to eat."

I chuckle and sit down on the couch.

"Oh.. "

"What are you guys planning to do today!?"

The door opens and one of our mangers entries.

"They will have an interview and as you seem to have some time now"

He gives me an pissed look. Even though I didn't do anything wrong. Well, okay, they are always pissed at me and Louis. I got used to it now- more or less.

"You will be able to join them. We will have to change the theme of the interview but I think your appearance will be good.. Now , get in the car!!"

The boys give me a look telling me how sorry they are. They don't have to! I shrug and follow them.

At studios we get dressed into black pants and white shirts. They put us some makeup , what i hate so much. First I can put makeup on on myself. Secondly I don't like that makeup. Also I want to go to the hospital again. I didn't get something for Louis and I don't know how long that interview will take. I sigh. Right in this moment Niall hugs me from the back.

Amnesia/ Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now