I suddenly pretended to be very interested in taking the gravel out of my red hands. Which I actually was. "Nah.. I mean I already have enough kids wanting me to choke on my marshmallows."

"Yeah well you're lucky you only got a zap." She said, patting my back awkwardly. "Got to go help in the dungeon. And... Might want to change your pants." She giggled before fast walking down the hall.

I felt a shock chill me as I looked around to make sure no one was looking before my hands crept to my pants. I could feel frayed fabric and.. A brush of skin! Oh crap- I've been mooning everyone! No wonder they were laughing so hard! I groaned and quickly pulled off my jacket to wrap around my waist. As I tied the sleeves and shuffled deeper into the halls I made a resolution. I may not let Song report him but I wouldn't let him go without a good punch or two for doing this to me. I burned as I imagined him having a good chuckle in his room. He was going to get it.

Caedmon peeped on my shoulder, holding up a small slip of paper in his mouth.

"What you got there, bud?" I asked as I nabbed the paper. He let it go and I turned it over in my hands. It was a badge! Seeing from the smirking kid's face his name was Oliver Butte. I snorted. No wonder he was mean to have a name like that. By the big fire dragon badge I could tell he was in the third rank. "He's going to be in big trouble without this badge eh, buddy?" I winked at Caedmon who purred and nuzzled my hand happily.

I scooped him up and headed quickly back to the barracks before anyone could ask why I had my jacket off.

As I quickly changed I set my little buddy on the bed. "Can you hypnotize too, bud? And.. And shift into a human?"

I wondered what Caedmon would look like if he was a human. I smiled as I thought of a little boy with messy black hair, large purple eyes and the biggest smile. He would be.. Not very scary looking.

Caedmon tilted his head and I could feel a headache coming on again. He blinked owlishly before meeping furiously and putting his paw down.

"Sorry bud. Don't understand you," I sighed as I put on my belt and gathered him up in my arms before walking back outside to line up in my rank.


By the next day I had forgotten that Stonehenge had said to punish me. But by lunch time I felt like I had been stampeded by a bunch of teenage girls going to a Justin Bieber concert.

When he said train me I think he meant to push me until my heart blew up.

Push ups, curl ups, even Caedmon was forced to run on a teeny treadmill. I managed to shoot glanced at him as I did crunches, my body reeking of sweat and BO. I smirked as I saw him racing along on the treadmill before -whoosh- he was gone. Caedmon could disappear like an open bag of M&Ms. My muscles shook mightily as I performed another crunch. My trainer yelled so loud her spray of spittle dotted my cheeks. If only I could disappear like my dragon.

When I started fantasizing about an ice cold shower and reappearing by a Dairy Queen, she made me run. Oh the pain. I felt like I could hardly breathe and a sharp pain was starting below my heart. But when I tried to explain that I thought I was about to have a heart sprain she told me not only that I was a lazy bum but that if I spoke again she was going to freeze my socks off. And that's when I realized why she had blue eyes. She was an Ice Rider.

I decided it best not to mess with her. Even if I might die of a heart sprain.

Once I was sweating enough to fill the Nile and rasping like one of the walkers on the Walking Dead, she finally dismissed me and I stumbled out before leaning against the wall to regain my breath. I looked at the wall. Twelve. Five hours of nonstop training... I pinched my biceps as if I expected them to come bulging out like Popeye's. Nothing but jello I could seem to feel. I sighed. Three weeks of this would kill me.

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