All Things Come To Those Who Ache Chapter 7

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  • Присвячено Koky

Felicity was on the line waiting to get some food. She noticed after the long day she had, with everything on her mind, she didn't stop to eat at all. With her plate and napkin in her hand her stomach started to growl, she was at the ready. Standing there for ten minutes straight she started to feel a little agitated.

"What's a girl have to do to get some food around here." She mumbled loudly to herself.

"Probably ditch this place and go on a date with me?" She looked around trying to figure out where that voice came from and swooped around to see a brown eyed, 6'2 tall, black haired handsome man, standing right behind her. He was wearing a black tuxedo with a black bow tie.

"Were you talking to me?" She asked.

"I don't see any other gorgeous women here. At least none that are as extravagant as you." He smiled.

"Ha! Where'd you pick that line up yacht club?" He laughed amused.

"And she's feisty. I like that in a woman. No actually it was a fortune cookie apparently the universe thought I was a woman."

"That fit on a fortune cookie?" She asked sarcastically.

"In my defense, it was a pretty big cookie I mean, whoa, you had to be there." Felicity smirked at the joke. "Let's start over, my apologies. Hi, I'm Daniel Grayson." He smiled putting out his hand.

"Felicity Smoak." She transferred her plate in her left hand to shake it.

"So Felicity Smoak, what brings you here tonight?"

"I'm guessing the same as yours...holidays, festivities... fun." She moved down the line as it shortened, he followed.

"Ah, is that what this is? I wouldn't know the meaning of those words. I don't get out too much, I only heard about this party through my cousin. He couldn't make it so he gave me his invitation." He smiled at her.

"Oh? What's your cousin's name?"

"Dick. Dick Grayson."

"Sounds familiar, I feel like I've heard that name before, although I can't imagine where. But with a name like that how would I forget." She shrugged it off. "So what keeps you from getting out?" She slightly pivoted giving him her attention.

"Work, I'm in town on business, only until the holidays are over, but if everything goes as planned I may be staying much longer."

"Good luck." They had just gotten to the food and she scanned the spread feeling much better. "Finally!" She reached for the tongs in the salad bowl setting some lettuce in her plate making sure she added extra croutons before she was done. Daniel watching overheard.

"Hungry huh?" She smirked a little embarrassed.

"I didn't have a chance to eat today...long day."

"Well that's not good. A girl's got to eat."

"Tell me about it." She put some cranberry sauce and a few slices of turkey on her plate.

"So, how about that dinner?" He took the serving fork from her when she was done with the turkey.

"Umm, I don't think so." She reached for the macaroni salad putting two scoops in her plate and grabbed the silverware at the end of the table.

"Come on, I'm new in town you could show me around, tell me the best places to eat? He grinned charmingly while she stayed quiet. "Ok how about we sit together and take it from there? Would it be alright if I sat with you?" She glanced over at where the incident was, but she didn't see Oliver.

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