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Nobody pov
Blue sky,birds singing outside the window.
Inside the blue pastel house theres a blonde android still in the sleeping mode on the bed.
"Daniel wake up!"
Scream someone from outside the door .the blonde android groan
He cover his ear with his hand.
Knock knock
Daniel keep quite, squeeze his ears now
"Open the door please.."
"'s still early.."
"If you don't open the door i will call Connor~"
Simon say sweet brutal.
"N-no no"
(Open the lock?)
-yes          -no

"Hey,come on we all waiting for you.."
Simon tap Daniel shoulder
Daniel open his eyes
"Is Connor demand,he say "we have to eat breakfast with Daniel too"
Simon goes to the window too open the curtain.
"Come on your crush is waiting down stair~"
Daniel blush then hide his face with his hand
(Slepping mode)
(On)         (off)
The night before....
"What?!,Markus will be living here?!"
Daniel bang the kitchen table till his and Simon blue Blood drink spil
"Yeah,Markus will be giving speach in the Hallway town at saturday and is really close too our house so why not"
Daniel sigh
"I can guess,the another reason is so you can be with Markus right?"
Simon answer with a blush in his face
"Of course is going to be true.."
Daniel took his blue blood drink as his smile gone and becoming a sad smile
"Don't be sad"
Simon say holding Daniel hand
"I will be the third person,how will be i happy?"

Ding dong
"Because Markus bring his bestfriend too,Coming!"
"Bestfriend?,don't tell me..."
Daniel freez,if his twins telling the truth then his crush will be living here too
Daniel LED become yellow
"Daniel the duo has come!"
Daniel turn his head
Markus said while his hand is still hanging around Simon waist
Then there he is Daniel crush smiling brightly,Connor
"Oh,please RA9 give me power..."
Is what the last thing Daniel say before Daniel has and error in his system and everyone is panic.
Daniel pov
I follow Simon down stair and see Markus and Connor.
I dont even brush my hair too look good in front of my crush.
I look Simon bring some blue jelly too the table and seat infront of Markus.
Guess i have to seat infront of Connor
"Morning Daniel"
I look up to the voice and it's was Connor.
Connor look so handsome
Shut up my mind!
"Morning Connor"

The lover is to busy talking too eachother leaving behind Daniel and Connor.
I see his just playing his food
"Connor you need too eat or you will going to easy too lose much blood when you fighting with the bad guys"
Shit i really said it!
"Ofcourse,Daniel you rarely said something to me,what happend?"
"Well it's just that my takecare system suddenly take offer my mouth!"
I look down avoiding Connor eyes
"Are you okay? You are really blue"
No i'm not fine if you look at me like that.
"Maybe because the error last night"

Connor look at me with a  suspicious eyes too find lies in my eyes.
I'm really focus too his eyes that i don't aware that Connor took my hand.
"Let Daddy fix it"
"Hey,Simon could i take your brother too cyberlife?"
"No Simon!"
"Yes you can,Connor"
Shit.Simon is hypnotize with Markus charm that even he don't look at me.
"Come on,Daniel"
Connor stand up
"I have to chance first"
"Don't have a time for that"
Connor pick me up bridal stayle and run outside house and a taxi pop up infront of the house.
I think Connor already call the taxi earlier.

Connor put me down as he put the location.i wonder 'why did Connor do this? I'm lucky that my crush is close to me but how come Connor had Daddy kink?'
"What was that Connor?"
"I'm sorry the truth is,i was called by cyberlife"
"And why does you dragg me along?"
"Maybe a little date~"
I was speachless when Connor said that
He doesn't know about my felling right?
In the house
Markus pov
"You want to know a secret Simon?"
"What secret?"
I smile and turn my head to Daniel and Connor empty seat
"Connor love Daniel"
"What's really?!"
I look at Simon that seem really shock
"Markus!,Daniel love Connor too!"
I don't think the two love eachother because the two barelly have a skinship and talk to eachother.
Me and Simon just stare to eachother eyes and think about what will happend to the two.
Arrive at cyberlife
Connor pov
Kamski said that i have an update
And kamski always curious about the android i love and maybe is the time too tell Kamski.

Daniel,you never meet your creator right?"
"Well you about to meet him"
I hold Daniel hand and run together.
In the way there are abounch AP700 and ten PL600 android that i bump.
"In a hurry!"(Connor)
"We sorry! "(Daniel)

Knock knock
"Oh,Connor your fast"
Chloe open the door wide so me and Daniel could get in

Kamski pov
"Kamski this is Daniel,Daniel this is Elijah Kamski"
The PL600 step forward take out his hand and smile.
And perform a little handshake
"Okay,lets begin"
After i update Connor and check the PL600 android,i remember something.
So this is the android Connor love.
Maybe,i shall test him?
I hold Daniel hand and drag him closer.
Daniel and Connor has the same reaction,a shock face.

"PL600 is really beautiful"
I said while touching Daniel jaw
Daniel LED became yellow
"I always want to tasting the taste of them"
Connor put a hand on my mouth and push me back.
"You could taste it but not this PL600 because this PL600 is mine"
I was really shock, Hank was right Connor is really are scary when his belongings get touch with someone else.
Connor grip Daniel hand then runout from the room.

"Why you do that Elijah?"
Chloe sigh
"Well, i just test the love and it's seem Connor really love him and i think it's not a one-side love"
I got back to my seat and Chloe came with a coffe on her hand.
"Thank you"
"You mean Daniel love Connor too?"
Daniel pov
Connor bring me to the top cyberlife tower where you could see the beautiful view.
"You could taste it but not this PL600 because this PL600 is mine"
That word is playing always in my head .
"It's beautiful in here"
I said for breaking the tense atmosphere
Connor just be in silent.

After a minute...

"I'm sorry i said like that"
I look to Connor that finally talk
"What's about?"
"The you mine thing"

Nobody pov
"Is it real?"
'Opps!,i say that loud!'Daniel thought him self and covering his mouth.
Connor got up approaching Daniel and take one of Daniel hand.
"If it?"
Daniel heartbeat is going crazy right now.
Even when Daniel look down he know that Connor is looking at him.
"Then you love wouldn't be one-side"
Daniel felt he could explode and turn off after he said that,he face really turn blue.
Connor hold Daniel chin and make him look up.

Connor kiss Daniel
and it's was a loving kiss with no tongue.
"W-what the h-holy RA9 are you doing!"
Daniel really shock from the kiss.
"It's your fault too being that cute!"
Connor pinch Daniel blushing cheeks.
"And you know,your heartbeat was going really fast"
"I don't need you too tell me that!"
Daniel pout and Connor ruffling his hair.

"Thank you for loving me back"
Connor said then hug Daniel really thight
"Y-you welcome"
Daniel hug Connor back and snuggle his face to the RK800 cest.
"Thank you RA9"
Is what the two think.

At home
"Well-well i think we got a new couple"
Daniel and Connor look at the Simarkus couple that waiting them infront off the house.
"We could have a foursome,Markus!"
"Good idea!"
"What was that Markus!"
"Are you download a stupid file or something!"

The simarkus couple start to chasing eachother.
"You know Kamski did download something new"
Connor smirk.
Then he suddenly pick Daniel up and hold him between his body.
"W-what are you doing?!"
Daniel afraid to fall.
"Hug me with your legs"
Connor said and Daniel does that
But then Daniel relize something.
"Y-you hard?"
"That right"
Then Connor and screaming Daniel go inside the house.

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