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It doesn't start out that way though. At the beginning she's just another staff member on their team of many, with a high turnover rate— what with these kinds of jobs having to manage jam-packed schedules and the pressure to be punctual and on top of everything. People come and go in staff positions often and so at first, she's just any other woman on the job. Even her name is on the average side, Jeon Ji-hye. She's of average height and physique, with dark hair and brown eyes, not unlike all other Korean girls. Simply nothing about her at the start particularly catches his eye. Things don't remain that way for long though.

After the first long haul for their Asia tour, Wonsik really begins to notice her. Ji-hye has stayed on now for longer than their average staff member. She's always good-natured and light-hearted, but professional. Her easy interactions with each group member are always pleasant, the group grew fond of her. Wonsik thinks that they're a lot alike.

More often than not Ji-hye keeps to herself, present with everyone in the room but rarely adding to the exchange. Not isolated but following the natural flow. Anything she does add is relevant or funny, but more often than not she sits there with one headphone in, enjoying music on her phone and observing everyone else. Wonshik finds her to be the most easy-going of the staff members around their age.

They celebrate the completion of their tour seaside at a resort in the Philippines. Comprised of the members, managing and audio staff, as well as their dancers; it's a decent sized gathering. VIXX themselves had already started in on the celebrating a few hours before the actual party. They'd spent the day exploring the local island treasures, swimming on the beach, and winding down poolside before it was actually time for the festivities.

The managers book the resort's party area; a balcony with a pool, a seating area with a projector and karaoke machine, and a full bar overlooking the beach and the sea in the distance. It's a stunning location with the city lights reflecting off the ocean and the twinkling stars overhead. The sky meets the sea and goes on like that for miles, disappearing into the blackness of the horizon. Ji-hye has never been able to travel outside of Korea before, and so the tropical nation and its beaches are a wonder.

Over a mix of local food and drink, as well as some accessible Korean classics, everyone gets lost in the atmosphere. Some enjoying the karaoke being sang by the staff members, some drinking at the bar, others swimming. By this point, the VIXX members have had their fill of singing and are gathered poolside with drinks in hand. Ji-hye too, eventually makes her way to the pool from the edge of the balcony, shrugging out of her coverup and diving in. She manages to splash Hongbin and Sanghyuk as she does, popping up a few moments later to the sound of their laughter. Crossing the distance to the poolside bar, she swims right up between them and steals a spot at the bar.

She isn't much of a beer person, so she leaves the Red Horse and San Miguel to the boys, spends the night sipping Tanduay Ice and some stronger cocktails. Ji-hye laughs along to their nonsense humor, teases the younger members along with their hyungs, and fits right in among the busy conversation and funny exchanges. Wonsik is taken with the way she laughs along with Jaehwan at some ridiculous joke and pokes fun at Taekwoon with Hakyeon. Ji-hye makes no effort fitting in but does naturally. She's straightforward and honest, and in the lowlight of the party, she looks beautiful laughing with his members in her wet bikini, all inhibitions cast to the wind.

City Lights, Blurred LinesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora