Coming back home

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Bailey pov : hi I'm bailey sok today Is my birthday , I'm turning 15. Now you would think that today would be a good day for me . But it was turning out to be the worst . It seemed like the few important people forgot about my birthday which is fine . But then there's the fact that my so called best friends don't know its my birthday . But they act like it doesn't matter . Like I don't matter . Idk I just don't understand . Are they even my friends I can't tell anymore . Thank god for dance class . I going to see all my real besties . Tati, kaycee, Gabe , boogie, will and Sean and Kenneth . And my big brother Matt . Oh wait never mind , Kenneth moved I forgot 😭 . We used to be really close awhile back. He sang to me for my birthday and my friends created a ship name called Baiken . But then he had to move to the Philippines. He still talks to me and talks about me on live . But for the most part it's seems like he's move on. He really popular over there and he has new friends like this girl named ac. She seems really nice . I really miss him right now though . I think he knows me more than anyone except my sisters. Speaking of my sister . They told me that after dance class they had a surprise for me . So basically I can't wait , but first I have to get through this miserable place I call school . I walk past the person I didn't want to see today . Carly barrios . The meanest person alive . She hates me for no reason . She's the whole reason why I dread school . Why can't I go back to homeschooling. I put my head down hoping she wouldn't bother me . That obviously didn't work because she shoved me off to the side. "Hey Dora the explora" she tells me while her friends laugh at me . " Carly u do realize I'm Asian right ?" She stares at me dumb founded . " yeah but that hair cut makes u like like her , u know what I mean ?!?" I simply nod my head and walk past her . Usually she is even more mean to me but today I didn't want to give her a chance to tease me more. So I walk away . I walk in to my first period . I sit in my normal seat when I here the intercoms come on . " mrs walker can u please send down Bailey Sok prepared for dismissal" my teacher reply's yes and then excuses me . My parents never take me out early unless I'm really sick . I'm nervous , what could have happened . When I finish packing up my things I make it to the main office . What i see standing there surprises me . It's Matt Steffanina. He's handing over papers and then walked out the door. " Matt what are u doing here?!?" He looks at me and laughs. "Bailey what does it look like I'm doing , I'm picking u up for ur birthday ik you don't want to be here ." I smile and hug him tightly " you remembered !!" He laughed " ofc I remember your birthday" then I remembered I'm in highschool and I will have a lot of work to do . He lookes at me and laughs . " don't worry bailey I asked one of the kids in the hall if they knew you and they said yes so I asked them to get ur work and drop it off at the studio." I smiled "you know me too well Matt," we both walk outside and get into his car. " Matt what are we even going to go and what about my parents do they know ?" He shakes his head . " bailey ofc I asked your parents , and we are going to dance for ur birthday then we are going to drop u off at ur house ." I'm so excited I squealed. We drive off and soon arrive at the studio. I get there and I see Tati and kayce and Sean and the whole crew. They all come and give me a group hug. They all yell happy birthday . This birthday is going amazing . Kaycee then begins to sing happy birthday . Everyone laughs. Let's just say it's a good thing kaycee's a really good dancer . We dance for a few hours and then Matt drops me off at my house " happy birthday bailey I hope u enjoy your surprise !" I simply smile and hug him and skip to my house . I am so happy it's not even funny. I walk to the front door. I see my mom and my sisters . I give them all a hug and then they wish me a happy birthday . They said that there was a few presents for me upstairs . I hugged them one last time and said thank-you. I could see Kylie smirking. I just brushed it off and rushed to my bedroom. I got inside and there standing in the middle of my room was a big box. Wrapped in wrapping paper with a bow on top. I went to reach for the card on top. The box was a few inches taller then me so I got on my bed to reach it . I opened the card. It was from Kenneth 🥰. I smiled and opened the box. As I was opening I heard the box crack open. At the side of the box was a cut out door . I suddenly opened . Standing there was Kenneth. He yelled "happy birthday bailey!!" I scream so hard . One because he kinda scared me and two because he's really here. I ran up and hugged him so tight . " your really here, but how?" He smiled and took my hand and brought me to my bed to sit . " well I explained to my mom about how much I've missed you and about ur dad leaving and u going back to school , so she just let me come .!" I smiled " how long?" He kissed me on the cheek. " one month" I got up and jumped around yelling " my best friend is staying for a WHOLE mmm,oonnthhh!!" We both laughed . He then got up and danced along with me . " staying for a month , STAYING FOR A MONTH!!" All of sudden he pulled me closer by the waist. " I missed you bailey." I smiled and said that I missed him to . He leaned in and kissed me. Omg he really just kissed me . I kissed him back . Smiling in between kisses. We both stopped and he pulled me in for a hug. "I love you bailey I always have and I always will there will never be anyone else." I smiled and pecked him again. " I love you too ." He smiled and kissed me on the cheek. "Will you be mine" I just laughed " your so corny !" We both laughed as he put on a hurt face and held his hand over his heart " yes Kenny I'll be yours !" We were about to go in for another kiss until my sister bathed in. " FINALLY, !!" We both laugh . She comes in and takes her purse that I'm guessing . She walk's out and shuts the door. We both smile and laugh. This is the best birthday ever

The dance of our lives❤️❤️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt